Rules of the Day 

A priority for the Curtis Aquatic Center's Swim Lesson Program is water safety. At the end of each lesson, instructors will go over a different safety rule that can be applied around any body of water. Listed below are several of the safety rules that our program covers:

Rule #1 -

Never swim alone.

Rule #2 -

Know your limits.

Rule #3 -

Always protect your head when diving.

Rule #4 -

Never dive in shallow or unfamiliar water.

Rule #5 -

Diving boards are for strong swimmers only.

Rule #6 -

When the unexpected occurs, roll to your back and rest.

Rule #7 -

Only call for help if you need it. 

Rule #8 -

Only swim in supervised water.

Rule #9 -

Avoid strong currents - like rivers and oceans.

Rule #10 -

Don't just pack it, wear your life jacket. 

Rule #11 -

It's never safe on a frozen lake. 

Rule #12 -

Reach or throw, but do not go. 

Rule #13 -

Don't be a fool, follow the rules!

We encourage swimmers of all ages and abilities to abide by these important rules. Your safety in and around the water is our top priority!