renee Verone 

US History & Civics

Daily Bell Schedule


0 Hour:   6:30-7:25 

Period 1:   7:30-8:25 | Verone's planning period

Period 2:   8:30-9:25

Period 3:  9:30-10:25

1st Lunch 10:25-10:55 | I break during first lunch

2nd Lunch 11:25-11:55

Period 4:  11:00-11:55 | We take 1st lunch

Period 5:  12:00-1:00 

Period 6:  1:05-2:00

After school Support: 


Google Classroom Codes

Period 2: 12th Civics jf3thqj

Period 3: 11th History 7r5unex

Period 4: 11th History mjnfhpr

Period 5: 11th History y6avfhw

Period 6: 11th History v7amofj

Google Class of 2025: 2fnhtwe

Google Class of 2026: z4vwlis

Google Class of 2027: zozhwhu


I have been teaching in the University Place School District for more than 20 years and love every minute of my time in the classroom and in the University Place community. 

I graduated from the University of Washington with a degree in Ethnic, Gender & Labor Studies and then earned a Masters of Art in Teaching from the University of Puget Sound.  I have since dedicated my career to empowering students, through the study of US History, to "never be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble".  

-John Lewis (1940-2020)

Me taking civic action in Olympia,WA 2018 in the fight to fully fund public schools!
Free Downloads @ 
United States History Syllabus 2024/25.docx
US History: Daily Agenda 2024/2025
2024 Civics Syllabus Verone.docx
Civics: Daily Agenda 2024/2025