App Guide

This guide will provide you with a step-by-step process on reserving a ride using the ROCS app.

Step 1:

Download the ROCS Carpool app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.

Tap Register to create an account


If you are a returning user, tap Login with your credentials and continue to Step 4

Step 2:

To create a new account, you must provide: institutional email address, your legal first name, last name, your phone number, and password. You must read an accept the terms and conditions to create an account.

Step 3:

After providing the information required, you should be receiving 2 confirmation codes via email and text message. Enter the codes in the corresponding fields. One code verifies your email account while the other verifies your cell phone number.

Step 4:

After registration and confirmation, you will be taken to the homepage of the application.

 From there you can navigate to the Schedule a Ride page.

**FOR DRIVERS: you will see the Become Driver which allows users who want to be drivers to provide their car information.

Step 5:

Once on the Schedule a Ride page, you can choose the date, as well as the expected time of arrival and departure of the parking lot.*

A map with the current user location preloaded will appear at the bottom. The user must validate that the location is correct if not the user can select another location by tapping on the map. If you are registered as a driver and can be one, mark the checkbox and include your vehicle capacity including yourself as the driver seat.

*Please note that ride scheduling must be done before 9:00 pm of the day before your reservation. We cannot guarantee availability for rides scheduled with less notice.

*Access to the location must be enabled for the map to work.

Step 6:

In the View Your Ride page, you will see your scheduled rides and their current status. You can click on your rides for more information.

*After your first schedule an alert should pop up on the screen asking permission for notifications. The user is encouraged to allow notifications for a better experience. 

Step 7 (Driver):

The driver can access the passenger profile by tapping on the desired user element in the list to view the pickup location, phone number, and have access to other features.

Step 8 (Driver):

Once the Driver has arrived at the pickup location he/she must press the Arrived button. By pressing this button the passenger will receive a notification that the driver has arrived.


*The Get Pickup Location button should open the native maps app on your device. In Android should be Google Maps.

Step 9 (driver):

A timer should start after the driver presses the Arrived button.

Step 10 (Driver):

When the timer ends the driver is allowed to remove the passenger that did not show up by pressing the Remove Passenger button.

Step 11:

Once near the parking lot entrance, each carpool participant will need to verify their location by pressing the Verify button.

Step 12:

Once every passenger has verified their location the driver can press the one-time use Open button to access the parking. The verification has an expiration of five minutes, passed the five minutes the user must refresh the location. Lastly, once the vehicle enters the parking lot, the driver can park in any available slot. 

Remember to leave on time and to check your ride information as you might leave in a different carpool match.

Step 13:

For support, feedback, and more information on the ROCS Carpool mobile application, you can access our website by clicking the Help button on the home page.