MMS 173

Photography in Multimedia


Multimedia Studies 173 (Photography in Multimedia) is one of the courses I directly facilitate in the BAMS Program.

This course tackles some of the basic principles and techniques applied in photography and how it fits in the study of multimedia. Photography is a fun and interesting field to tackle as there is bound to be something for everyone.

This course does not aim to make expert photographers out of you. That would require long hours of practice and study that would hardly fit within the time frame of this course. This course is also not like most short courses and seminars focusing on the technical and practical aspects of photography. Rather, it is an attempt to have a healthy blend of theory and practice – the art and science, if you will.

MMS 173 aims to lay down the foundations for you to gain a baseline understanding of this field. This should help you start off in incorporating photography in your multimedia work. And when you finish this course, perhaps you have gained enough sense on whether or not you would like to further develop your photography skills on your own.
