Placement of doctors to Rural Papua New Guinea

 Undergraduate MBBS 5 Rural Clinical Placement Program


This is the DOMAIN one course for the MBBS 5 rural block attachment at the School of Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS), of the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG).

This course will enable students to apply their theoretical knowledge gained during the first four years of their preclinical and clinical training years (2nd -4th year) to hands-on clinical practice.

Students are given opportunities for rural education and training when they go out on rural clinical placement. They are exposed to various lower levels of health system functions, in community health posts, health centers, and rural hospitals. This gives a broader understanding of the provision of primary health being provided in underserved rural communities in Papua New Guinea.

Rural placement experiences are based on symbiotic relationships among the students, the rural health team, the rural community, and stakeholders directly involved with the rural health program.



Rural placement is exposure for medical students to increases awareness and sensitivity to rural communities, explore and understand the health care needs of communities in rural settings.

To inspire and motivate medical students in the working environment of rural communities.

Understand and explore the various rural health care systems outside of level 5 provincial hospitals. Demonstrate effective diagnostic and clinical management skills when presented with a clinical problem, including the taking of relevant history, conducting clinical examination, defining the clinical problem, performing investigations, prescribing management (using standard treatment protocols), and conducting education and referral when is indicated.



Most of the above objectives will be achieved during your studies at the provincial health office, health center, and aid post. Some will be achieved by formal lectures and presentations.

About me

Dr. Gabriel Yohang

Instructor / Lecturer


  Our people 

Our medicine 

Rural medicine

  Undergraduate rural clinical placement in Papua New Guinea