Dendrocalamus asper (Buluh Betung)

Scientific Name: Dendrocalamus asper

Local Name: Buluh Betung

Family Name: Poaceae

Dendrocalamus asper also known as Rough Bamboo or Giant Bamboo is a giant tropical and subtropical dense clumping species native to Southeast Asia. 

General information:

Dendrocalamus asper has large woody culms between 15-30 m tall and 8-20 cm in diameter, and has relatively thick walls (11-20 mm) which become thinner towards the top of the culm. The lower culms show aerial roots (rootlets) from the nodes. Culm internodes are 40-50 cm long, pale green and covered with short brown hairs. 

Many clustered branches with 1 larger central dominant branch usually occur from ca. 9th node up. 

Leaf-blades are lance-shaped and between 15–30 cm long and 10–25 mm wide. 

Planted or naturalized from low elevations up to 1,500 m. Dendrocalamus asper thrives best at 400-500 m altitude in areas with average annual rainfall of about 2,400 mm. They grow well on various soil types, even on sandy and rather acidic soils, but prefers well-drained heavy soils.

Dendrocalamus asper poles are used as a building material and structural timber for heavy construction such as houses and bridges. The culm internodes used as containers for water and other fluids, and as cooking pots. This bamboo is also used for making laminated boards, furniture, musical instruments, chopsticks, household utensils and handicrafts. Young shoots are sweet and considered a delicious vegetable