Keynote Speaker

Prof. Dr. John Brennan (Open University, United Kingdom)

Title: Flexible Learning Pathways in Higher Education

John Brennan is currently an Emeritus Professor of Higher Education Research at the Open University, a Visiting Professor at the International Centre for Higher Education Management at Bath University, and an Honorary Research Fellow at the Department for Education at Oxford University. But there is also work that he undertakes for his company, John Brennan Associates Ltd, which has recently undertaken higher education research projects funded by bodies such as UNESCO, the European Commission and the British Council. He has been working on projects with UNESCO’s International Institute on Educational Planning (IIEP), one on ‘Internal Quality Assurance in Higher Education’ and one on ‘Flexible Learning Pathways in Higher education’.

Most of John Brennan’s career has been focused on researching higher education. For 20 years, he directed the Open University’s Centre for Higher Education Research and Information which undertook national and international research projects on a wide range of topics in a wide range of places with a wide range of partners. He has authored or co-authored 13 books about higher education, plus over 100 book chapters and journal articles.