Abstract Submission

We are delighted to invite the enthusiastic educationists and educational researchers to submit your abstract. Please prepare your abstract not more than 250 words.

Please identify you submission according to our conference theme on Flexible Learning Pathways in Health Professions Education. The detail sub-themes are as follows:

  • Pathways for getting into higher education: alternative admission policies and practices (e.g., preparatory programmes, open access policies, recognition of prior learning, APEL).

  • Pathways for getting through higher education: study transfer, credit accumulation and transfer, flexible delivery modes (e.g., micro-credential, open and distance learning, flexibility in the pace of study, flexibility in curriculum, non-health major, learning approaches and techniques, instructional design, blended-learning, learning using technology, assessment and evaluation).

  • Pathways for getting out of higher education: completion and transition to the labour market (e.g., combining work and study, flexible degree structures, continuous learning, Entrustable Professional Activities).

The due date for the abstract submission is on 31st January 2023.

Notification of acceptance will be announced from 15th January 2023 and onwards.

Please download the instruction and template for the abstract here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10AulJEpXrwzAt30X2B37AB3V0v7uTqRf/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106701908742465916286&rtpof=true&sd=true

For further information, please contact the scientific committee at mhibatullah@upm.edu.my or via phone +603-97692865 or contact the conference admin at maemhsupm2023@gmail.com.