PCW 5 - Designing Open Book Examinations to Promote Higher Order Thinking Skills

Facilitator: Prof. Dr. Er Hui Meng and Prof. Dr. Vishna Devi Nadarajah (International Medical University, Malaysia)

Mode: On-site


In view of the rapid growth of knowledge and advancement in technology, graduates in the 21st century must constantly learn, unlearn and relearn to keep abreast with the latest development in the respective professional fields.  The ability to identify a problem, gather information from multiple sources and evaluate the options before making conclusion is crucial.  While shifts to teaching and learning activities that promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills are desirable, it is equally important to ensure that assessments are constructively aligned to promote these higher order thinking skills. In open book examinations (OBE), students are allowed to refer to textbooks, online resources, or other authorized reference materials during the examinations. The emphasis is on assessing the students' higher order thinking skills rather than factual recall knowledge.  In this workshop, the participants will be introduced to the educational principles of OBE and design of OBE questions according to learning outcomes.  The practical considerations for the conduct of OBE in the context of health professions education will be discussed.