PCW 4 - Curriculum Mapping: From Table 4 to Learning Outcomes Attainment for Medical and Health Sciences Programme

Facilitator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suhaila Sanip (Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia), Dr. Mohamad Nurman Yaman and Dr. Mohd Nasri Awang Besar (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)

Mode: On-site


During accreditation visits, it was noted that many medical schools still struggle to map their curriculum according to the requirements of MQF 2.0. When mapped accordingly, it will be easy for medical schools to demonstrate objectively how their Programme Educational Objectives, Programme Learning Outcomes and Course Learning Outcomes are attained by medical students and graduates. In this workshop, participants will be taught on how to map their curriculum according to the MQF 2.0 framework. The main activity of the workshop is a hands-on session on how to fill in Table 4, how to compile all courses in Table 4 and how to document learning outcomes attainment.