PCW 3 - Scenario Design in Simulation-based Education

Facilitator: Dr. Sow Chew Fei and Ms. Chong Pek Sam (International Medical University, Malaysia)

Mode: Online


Simulation-based education is an education aimed at developing a range of core skills by reproducing practice, exposing learners to a range of medical experiences for critical reflection and developing capability in real-time critical reasoning, ultimately improving patient safety and care.  Evidence in the literature supports the effectiveness of simulation-based education as a teaching tool to promote technical and non-technical skills.  Simulation can be adapted to fit the students' needs at various phases of their studies, overcome teaching challenges for rare scenarios, provide possibilities for students to be exposed to culturally sensitive scenarios, and overcome difficulties securing clinical placements. However, simulation-based education is rather daunting for both new educators and experienced clinicians. This workshop aims to help educators who are new to simulation-based education to understand the principle and the workshop goal is to create a scenario as the first step in planning a simulation session.