PCW 2 - Design Thinking & Creative Learning through Digital Technologies in Healthcare Classrooms

Facilitator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lakshmi Selvaratnam and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arkendu Sen (Monash University Malaysia)

Mode: On-site


The higher education landscape is undergoing rapid transformation since the advent of the apocalyptic COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing tsunami of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution.  As such, healthcare educators in Malaysia will need to embrace change and engage their Next Generation students to be equipped with 21st century skills to deal with a challenging, unpredictable future workplace.  Today’s, and tomorrow’s, healthcare professional teams must be able to think creatively and work collaboratively to come up with innovative solutions to problems and issues they may face in clinical practice that do not even exist now. Hence, educators can make use of creative learning & design thinking processes and modalities to transform instruction and engagement of their healthcare students working in collaborative teams and to acquire essential life-long learning skills in dealing with uncertainty.

This interactive workshop conducted by experienced, award-winning educators will introduce you to popular creative and design thinking processes and technologies to support collaborative projects. Through case study exemplars of creative/design thinking and group activities, you will gain hands-on practice and explore innovative ways for incorporating them into your own healthcare teaching or curriculum design.