PCW 1 - Best Practices in Operationalising Open & Distance Learning

Facilitator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamad Afzhan Khan (University of Cyberjaya)

Mode: On-site


With the advent of technology, higher education providers no longer confined to the traditional brick and mortar learning and teaching methods. As a result, Open and Distance Learning (ODL) is gaining its momentum and is the new frontier in democratising education. As mentioned in COPPA (2019), ODL refers to the provision of flexible educational opportunities in terms of access and multiple modes of knowledge acquisition. A programme of study is deemed as an ODL programme if more than 60% of the courses offered in the programme are conducted via open and distance learning. In order for a course to be considered as an ODL course, at least 80% of the student learning time (SLT) must be delivered via ODL mode. 

In this talk, the speaker will focus on the current barriers to education, the important takeaways from SDG 2030 agenda, difference between formal, nonformal and informal learning. Other that that, the speaker will also describe best practices from a university / institution perspective related to a) programme delivery b) assessment strategies c) support system d) manpower e) educational resources f) programme management and g) quality assurance. This talk is significant because it will create awareness to the participants that many institutions have been moving forward to apply for the ODL licenses from MQA, learning from the impact of the recent pandemic. A proper operationalisation of ODL can contribute to the well being of the students, labour force, university and the nation as a whole.