Team Projects

Each of the five teams worked on a real-world energy project. Projects were developed ahead of time between the participating clients, Dr. Sigurð í Jákupsstovu from the UFI and Dr. Anna Demeo from UPEI. Teams were chosen based on interest and skill sets.


Energy Project

A student team will investigate the possibility of Bakkafrost setting up wind and solar power generation


Hatchery Project

The team will investigate how the company could produce hydrogen and oxygen to support the hatchery while offsetting fossil fuels

Strandfaraskip Landsins

The team will investigate how the introduction of the new diesel electric hybrid ferry will impact the company indifferent ways.

KJ Hydraulik

The student team will investigate options that reduce carbon emissions of the work boats built by the company.

Tórshavn Municipality

The team will take on work that supports the efforts of the municipality to become carbon neutral by 2030.