Explorations of Active Learning in Higher Education: 

A Faculty Development Summer Institute

from May 28 to 31, 2024


A 3.5-day institute of talks, activities, and workshops on 

active learning in higher education 

Day 1

Black sharpie markers  and name tag stickers on a dark brown wooden table top

Welcome to the FDSI! An Introductory Overview Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash 

Day 2

Why Active Learning?  Photo by Mike Needham 

Day 3

 Putting Active Learning into Action Photo by cottonbro from Pexels 

Day 4

Feedback, Assessment and Evaluation: Keeping it Sustainable Photo by cottonbro from Pexels 


Photo by Mike Needham

The goal of this institute is to bring together post secondary instructors passionate about engaging their students through active learning. 


 In 2024, the UPEI Faculty Development Summer Institute will celebrate its 34th iteration of great faculty professional development. The overall goal of the Institute is to improve teaching and learning by supporting postsecondary educators to learn and use active learning in their classes.

The Institute brings together college and university educators from all disciplines to develop their skills around the art, science, and practice of postsecondary teaching. Over the course of the Institute, we build our understanding of effective teaching and learning techniques in the beautiful springtime setting of Prince Edward Island. We explore methods and innovations in teaching in higher education in a way that models what we preach: the Institute itself follows the arc of a semester-long course, the approach we use is made up of an array of active-learning techniques, and the information is both experience- and evidence-based. The Institute is relevant to educators at all career stages, especially early-career faculty and those looking at tenure and promotion. Past participants have commented on the Institute as an opportunity to consider the fundamentals of teaching, develop a renewed and stronger interest in teaching, and have a milestone experience in a career of teaching and learning.

Hear about the impact of the Faculty Development Summer Institute. 

The Facilitators

Ann Braitwaite

3M National Fellow

Diversity and Social Justice Studies Program, Faculty of Arts, UPEI

Etienne Côté  

3M National Fellow

Department of Companion Animals, Atlantic Veterinary College, UPEI 

Dany MacDonald 

Department of Applied Human Sciences, Faculty of Science, UPEI

Charlene VanLeeuwen

Teaching and Learning Centre, UPEI

Libby Osgood

Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering, UPEI 


Join us for a program filled with inspiring & (re)energising ideas for active learning in your classes. 

Photo by Mike Needham

Let us know if you'll be attending!