Programs & Events

Sewing Group Keeps on Stitching!

Wednesdays, 10am–1pm, in the Upper Lounge (and on Zoom at noon for lunch hour)

by Cindy Chadwick

The Wednesday Sewing Group continues its mission of supporting community members in need of warmth and comfort. Each Wednesday, the group gathers to cut fabric and design, sew, and tie quilts to give to others. Group members often work on projects at home throughout the week to keep production going. Gathering each week to craft crib- and lap-sized quilts for the community, the group also makes “carry bags” for use on walkers, mittens, hats, scarves, pillows, and more.

The group’s creations are donated to the following charities and care facilities:

Sewing Group members Jean Hill, Ann Cobb, Marian Timson, Ellen Hancock-Berti, and Cindy Burger with some of the many items made by the group in 2023.

Quilts are also given to newborns and other special people in our congregation. Hats and mittens are provided to our Food Pantry and Community Meal guests as needed.

Want to help spread warmth and hope? Join the Sewing Group on Wednesdays from 10am to 1pm in UPC’s Upper Lounge. No extensive sewing experience is necessary. Projects can be worked on at home if you’re unable to attend on Wednesdays. (You’ll miss the cookies, chips, pickles and tea, though!) No special sewing skills are needed for cutting squares, design layout, pinning, tying, setting the table for lunch, or heating water for tea. Sewing machine and hand hemming skills are a plus.

Even if sewing isn’t your thing, everybody is invited to join us at noon for our social lunch hour. Those who can’t come to the church in person can join us in the Zoom room. Bring your own lunch and enjoy the company!

Sincere in its mission to provide warmth, comfort, and care to others, Sewing Group members gain much in return. As aptly said by Ann Cobb, a 50-plus-year member of the Sewing Group, “Where there is love, there is hope, and we love what we do.” Pardon the puns, but the cohesiveness of this group mends their souls and keeps them in stitches as they work to help others. Please join! Reach out to the church office if you’d like more information. 

News from the Kitchen

This Advent season we made ornaments after worship to give as gifts to our guests at the Community Meal and Pantry. People gathered after worship the first 3 Sundays of December and filled clear plastic globe ornaments with festive paper, puff balls, and ribbon. Over 100 ornaments were made and given out at the Community meal on December 19th to help spread some holiday cheer. Thank you to everyone who made ornaments and who help to set it up!

Through the year we saw many changes to the Pantry and Meal programs. We were able to serve many people in need. Everyone is so grateful to us. Through the generosity of this church family and others we can usually supply anything to a person in need when they ask. Wishing everyone peace and happiness in 2024.

—Shery Conklin, Kitchen Coordinator

Presbytery Book Study “How To Pioneer: A Step-by-Step Guide for Starting New Kinds of Faith Communities”

Tuesdays, January 9 – February 13, 10–11:30am on Zoom, with co-leaders Rev. Greg Garis and Rev. Ernie Varga

You’re invited to join others in the presbytery for a study of the book How To Pioneer: A Step-by-Step Guide for Starting New Kinds of Faith Communities by David Male. For the first meeting on January 9, please read chapters 1 and 2 of the book.

Regarding this book: Small new Christian communities created by pioneer ministers, both lay and ordained, are popping up everywhere — on housing estates, in community centers, schools, and cafes, among different age groups and in numerous other contexts beyond the local church. This practical book is for all who want to be engaged in this form of ministry, and it begins by identifying some basic principles from a wide variety of creative examples of pioneer ministry.

Purchase the book at The cost of the book is $9.99 plus shipping.

All are welcome to attend this book study.
Join us on Zoom: or phone (+1) 646-558-8656, Meeting ID 821 2614 5670, Passcode: PSV

Finding Common Ground: an interfaith conversation

with Binghamton University Interfaith Council
Monday, January 22, 7:30pm in University Union West room 325

We’re invited to join Pastor Becky and the Binghamton University Interfaith Council for their monthly Common Ground conversations. Although specific doctrines may differ, many common themes run through our religious and spiritual beliefs. Gather with BUIC and campus community members as we explore common ground together — no expertise needed.

The theme for this month’s conversation is the role of clothing in your religion. Do you or your faith leaders wear particular items of clothing for religious significance? Or does your faith tradition practice modesty? Have you wanted an opportunity to respectfully ask about the meanings of stoles or yarmulkes or hijabs? Come and join in the conversation and learn more.

The Common Ground conversation series meets on the third Monday each month. Upcoming conversations:

If you anticipate a need for disability-related accommodations or auxiliary aids to attend or participate, please contact or call 607-777-3010. We ask that you provide us with at least 3–5 days of advance notice regarding your equal access needs.

Webinars from PRC

Practical Resources for Churches ( is a resource that the Presbytery of Susquehanna Valley’s Commission on Ministry subscribes to so all congregations in our presbytery can access their programs. You’re encouraged to check out all they have to offer and take advantage of the abundance of programs and information. Many of their programs and webinars are available at no charge to you through our paid subscription. 

They also have links to resources on a wide variety of topics including caring ministries, spiritual practices, small church life, social justice, and environmental stewardship.

Here are a few webinars from PRC that are coming up soon:

From Pew to Pulpit: Preaching Your First Sermon — Tuesday, January 16, 2–3pm

Are you getting ready to prepare your first sermon? Have people told you what you need to do, or the sermon needs to have this or that or it’s not really a sermon? Do you even know, or care, what “sermon” means? This session is about you and the opportunity you have to share the gifts, strengths, and love of the gospel that are yours with your church. It’s about connecting with yourself, with the Word of God, and with others.

Register at

GENeratiONs Together with GenOn — Thursday, January 18, 2–3pm

Discover what GenOn Ministries offers to support intergenerational church communities. Led by Liz Perraud, GenOn’s Executive Director, and Betsy Dishman, GenOn’s Training Director, we’ll explore foundational tenets of intergenerational ministry, paths to develop intergenerational community, and resources that support intergenerational gatherings.

Register at

Out of the Pew and Into the Community — Thursday, January 25, 7–8pm

Does your church have ministry programs but no one signing up to volunteer? Here are ideas for generating passion and excitement in the congregation about stepping into meaningful outreach that engages members’ gifts and interests, and deepens their faith. 

Register at

Leading Your Congregation at the Lord’s Table: A Communion Training Workshop for Elders 

Saturday, February 24, 9:30am–12:30pm at Nineveh Presbyterian Church

Many congregations find themselves in need of leadership on communion Sundays when a pastor is not available. A ruling elder who has been duly trained may be commissioned to step in at such a time. You could be such a resource for your congregation, or could be a help for other Presbyterian congregations in our area.

All churches, particularly those whose churches do not have pastoral leadership, are invited to send ruling elders in good standing (they don’t have to be on the Session currently) to this event. The training will be led by Rev. Allen Presby at Nineveh Presbyterian Church, 2997 NY Route 7, Nineveh, NY 13813.

Please register for this event at
Questions? Email or call 607-323-4477.

UPC’s “Zoom room”

Modern technology is marvelous! Thanks to the Zoom meetings system, we can gather virtually even when it’s difficult to be together in person. We’ve used our “Zoom room” for worship but also for prayer groups, book studies, hymn sings, and social times.

You can join our meetings and worship services online via your computer, tablet, or mobile device by going to If you’ve never used Zoom before, you’ll be prompted to download the Zoom meetings app, which will ask for permission to use your microphone and your camera. We use our “Personal Meeting ID” for worship and most of our programs, so they’re always in the same familiar place.

You can also call in over the phone, if you don’t have a microphone on your device or you can’t join online. To join as a phone call, dial 1-646-558-8656, then enter our Meeting ID: 865 274 8433 #

If you have questions or need help using Zoom, feel free to call the church office for assistance.

Bible Study

Mondays, 1–2pm, in the Pastor’s Office or the Zoom room

We’re reading from Marcus Borg’s Evolution of the Word: The New Testament in the Order the Books Were Written, and everyone is welcome to join us in person or on Zoom. Those who gather at the church meet in Pastor Kimberly’s office.

The general format is to read the introductory material for each section, then to read through the Biblical texts and talk about what it meant for early Christians and what it might mean for us today. We try to discipline ourselves to keeping the conversation to an hour every week.

Zoom Happy hour

Friday evenings, 5–6pm

Bring your own beverage, “Zoom in”,  and join the fun as we catch up on the events of the week and share how were doing. It’s a great way to keep in touch with friends near and far.

Funding for Church Energy Efficiency or Renewable Energy

A message from the Presbyterian Hunger Program

For congregations, there are many great webinars and websites out there about how to fund and pursue energy efficiency and renewable energy with financial resources, tax incentives, and pathways provided by this year’s legislation passed through the U.S. Congress. In addition to the curated list below, you can find other great webinars from Interfaith Power and Light ( as well as Presbyterians for Earth Care (

In addition to these webinars and web sites about public funding and tips for saving energy and money, a reminder about the Restoring Creation Loan from the Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program ( Many congregations have made use of this great resource as a way to get started. 

The Presbyterian Promise — An $80,000 Scholarship over 4 years for all students who are Presbyterian

The Presbyterian Promise Scholarship is a commitment by Presbyterian College to recognize students for their merit and affiliation with the Presbyterian Church. Presbyterian College seeks to develop students academically and spiritually in this signature scholarship. Students who are members of Presbyterian churches will receive a scholarship for a minimum of $20,000 per year for up to four years — that’s an $80,000 commitment to you. For more information and to apply, visit

More news from around the presbytery can be found at