
A seminar is a specialized meeting that has a technical and academic nature, and whose objective is to carry out an in-depth study of certain questions or issues, whose treatment and development requires, and is favored when significant interactivity is allowed between the specialists and participants.

Would you like to develop a seminar?

The General Directorate of Internationalization (DGI), supports the relationship for development and promotion.

The process consists of the following steps:

1) The Academic Director must define the central axis of the discussion and the related topics to develop in said activity.

2) Once the axis is defined, a meeting will be held between the Academy and the DGI to define which international partner universities they would like to invite to collaborate on it.

3) The DGI will help to manage the relationship with the Universities and will support in the planning and execution of the event. Helping in the accompaniment with the Academy to define the invited speakers, date, time, platform and promotion of it.

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