In this page you will find the virtual international academic offer, remote, hybrid and face-to-face learning for undergraduate students

Virtual Exchange

Complete virtual modules through UPAEP's and partner foreign universities platforms with which we have collaboration agreements.


Interdisciplinary collaboration with a foreign teacher to co-create a module in a course together, through the same virtual classroom, generating the integration of both groups of students, to work on a project together.

Mirrored Classes

An international visiting professor provides specific topics for a similar subject at UPAEP and vice versa, the UPAEP professor teaches topics in the subject requested by the foreign University.

International videoconferences on topics related to your area of ​​study.

Panels with specialists who discuss topics in your area of ​​study from different international perspectives.

International or Mexican speakers abroad with extraordinary projects.

International conference sessions or cycles with work stations and videoconferences with multicultural speakers.

UPAEP Online Undergraduate

Undergraduate online academic offer for foreign and mexican students.

Face-to-Face Academic Offer

Due to the global contingency, the availability of our programs may vary depending on world conditions in the face of COVID 19, international travel guidelines before the WHO and changes in migratory processes at the destination.



For more information contact us, we will gladly answer your questions. intercambios@upaep.mx



Acércate con nosotros para tener más información , con gusto resolveremos tus dudas. intercam@upaep.mx

Hybrid Academic Offer

More information : intercambios@upaep.mx