UP Manila Standards & Interoperability Lab

Universal Health Coverage
through Digital Health Capacity Building in the PH


UP Manila SILab is a newly established unit composed of members from different sectors with a vision of quality health for the underserved through appropriate use of information technology. 

As the Philippines expands the role of digital interventions in healthcare, it faces several challenges like fragmented information systems, non-standardized data, non-interoperable systems, limited capabilities for research, and unavailability of quality data for decision making. 

The team behind UPM SILab is working hard to bring you standardization and interoperability of health data. 


Quality health data must be accessible to the right people  (patients and providers) at the right place and right time, for legitimate purpose.

Universal Health Care

Healthcare coverage and delivery in the must be improved to achieve universal health care.

Secure Access to Data

Privacy, confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive personal information must be secured.

 Governance Framework

A clear governance framework is necessary to achieve a balance between improving access and securing access to healthcare data.