The best teachers are those who show you

where to look but don't tell you what to see.

Alexandra K. Trenfor

The ILC Supports the UP Manila's Mission

  • To provide health science-focused transformative education, enabling and encouraging students to take creative and constructive action that contributes to the improvement of their community, the nation, and the world, based on a strong sense of their cultural and historical identity, as well as a shared humanity

by developing faculty expertise in blended learning and the use of educational technology

We offer workshops for the faculty. We are also able to hold workshops on request if a group of at least 10 faculty request assistance.

  • To serve as a research hub in various fields of specialization in the health sciences by conducting integrative and collaborative basic, applied, and clinical research and development, contributing to the dissemination and application of knowledge, and shaping national health policies

  • To lead as a public service university by providing various forms of community, public, and volunteer health services, as well as medical, scholarly and technical assistance to the government, private sector, and civil society while maintaining its standard of excellence

by providing expertise in blended learning and the use of educational technology to assist teachers in higher education

Dr. Iris Thiele Isip Tan accepts presentation requests at educational meetings. Please email

CORE VALUES: Honor, Excellence, Integrity, Social Responsibility, Leadership, Innovation, Global Competitiveness, and Nationalism.

Iris Thiele Isip Tan MD, MSc


Al Raymund Merca
