Office of the College Secretary
January 3, 2025
Reminder: Appeal for Readmission - Second Semester, 2024-2025
Reminder: Appeal for Readmission - Second Semester, 2024-2025
Please refer to this page for details.
Submission of appeals through in-person or through the OCS email ( will be accepted until January 8, 2025.
September 3, 2024
LOA & Free Higher Education (FHE) Subsidy
LOA & Free Higher Education (FHE) Subsidy
From the Office of the University Registrar (OUR)
The final deadline for filing an LOA is November 21, 2024. However, if you plan to take an LOA this term and want to avoid deductions from your remaining eligible semesters under the Free Higher Education (FHE) subsidy, it is crucial to complete your LOA application by September 27, 2024. A complete LOA application requires that the form is fully signed by all required signatories, the LOA fee is paid, and the signed forms are submitted to both the Office of the College Secretary (OCS) and the Office of the University Registrar (OUR).
Details sent to your UP Mail accounts.