Frequently Asked Questions


Students are required to submit their entrance credentials to be officially admitted to the University. Students with incomplete entrance credentials will be given provisional admission to the University for only up to one (1) year. Provisional admission may be extended beyond 1 year on a case‐to‐case basis especially for reasons that are beyond the control of the student. The student shall provide proof that they are processing their entrance credentials from their previous school.

It should be noted that enrollment in courses while provisionally admitted to the University is not official until complete entrance credentials are submitted. 

Further, a student with provisional admission may be endorsed for graduation upon submission of complete entrance credentials. 


‘Officially registered’ means that the student has already gone through all the processes involved in registration up to payment of fees. A student is officially registered if the student has duly matriculated (as adopted from UP Diliman; 20 March 1978; 682nd UPD EC Meeting, 01 June 1978; 683rd UPD EC meeting)

As a matter of policy, simultaneous enrollment in two degree programs is not allowed by the University at this time, in consideration of limited resources (approved by the Board of Regents at its 1379th Meeting on 3 April 2023).


No. Transfer applications in UP are only open every first semester of an academic year. However, we accept transfer applications during the second semester from other UP Constituent Universities only.

Transferee 2 (T2) or students from another Higher Education Institution transferring to any UP Constituent University who wish to transfer to UP Cebu are required to have taken thirty‐three (33) academic course units from their previous school to be admitted as a transferee to any UP CU. Courses or subjects which are technical or vocational in nature are excluded. (OVPAA MEMORANDUM NO. 2023-55) In addition, the applicant must have a General Weighted Average (GWA) of at least 2.0 or better in all the collegiate academic units taken outside of UP (Revised UP Code Article 359).

Specific programs may have stricter rules on transfer. 

Existing rules on transfer indicate a requirement of 33 academic units completed if transferring from another school, and 30 academic units if transferring from another CU (T1)  (approved by Board of Regents at its 1379th Meeting on 3 April 2023). Note that subjects previously cross-enrolled in UP Cebu, if any, will not be considered for the purpose of meeting the 30-unit requirement (1067th BOR meeting, July 7, 1993).

Specific programs may have stricter rules on transfer.

There is no minimum academic unit requirement to transfer from a baccalaureate program to a pre‐baccalaureate program in the University as long as the transferee satisfies the grade requirement of the program (approved by Board of Regents at its 1379th Meeting on 3 April 2023).


Yes, the number of slots may vary depending on availability.

In order to qualify for shifting, the student must have earned at least 15 academic units in the previous program (approved by Board of Regents at its 1165th Meeting on 31 Oct 2022).

In addition, for the BS Management program, the applicant must have a CWA (Curriculum Weighed Average) of 2.650. Computation is based on the grades of the students in courses that will be credited in the new program. This will be applied to regular students and non-majors shifting to a new program. 

Enrollment in subjects outside of the curriculum in preparation for shifting may be allowed with the following conditions: (1) intention to shift, (2) must shift within 1 year and (3) if after 1 year they fail to shift out, they must follow the curriculum of the original program.

(OUR Workshop 2 Report)


The cross-registration form can be used as the basis for course substitution. There is no need to process course substitution once the adviser signs the form.

(UR Workshop 2 Report)

No. Art 333 of the Revised UP Code states that “Students who are cross-registered are considered in residence in their respective constituent university” (OVPAA 257 Memo 2022-45).

Grades, GWA & Scholastic Standing

Courses taken in a foreign university during student mobility will not be included in the computation of the Curriculum Weighted Average Grade (CWAG)/General Weighted Average Grade (GWA). To guide you more on Student International Mobility, please refer to the BOR‐approved proposal for the enhancement of the student international mobility (approved by the Board of Regents at its 1352nd Meeting on 30 July 2020).

Please be guided by the Academic Credit Transfer System Guide. This provides the crediting of courses taken through cross‐registration.

The University does not issue a computation of grades to GPA. A certificate of grade equivalency may be issued by the OUR instead. (OVPAA MEMORANDUM NO. 2023-55)

All numerical grades (1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 4, 5) are considered final grades. DRP is not a grade and INC is a grade but not a final grade. 

This is useful for the purposes of determining the student's scholastic or academic standing.

Scholastic standing is on a term basis. In determining a studentʹs scholastic standing, the following this decision tree shall be used. This provides the indication of a warning status for students with no failing grade and have passed less than 75% of registered units (approved by Board of Regents at its 1379th Meeting on 3 April 2023).

(UR Workshop 2 Report)

Yes. Graduate students are considered for Honorific Scholarships (i.e., University and College Scholar) so long as they are full-time students. As stated on the University Code Art. 382-383, graduate students can have honorific scholarships if they are enrolled not less than 8 units.

(UR Workshop 2 Report)

Yes. Associate and Diploma degrees are also considered for Honorific Scholarships.

(UR Workshop 2 Report)

No. Both PE and NSTP courses are not included in the GWA computation. 

(Standardization of grades approved by the BOR during its 1310th meeting on 27 August 2015)

PI 100 which is also a mandated course is included in the counting of GWA.

(UR Workshop 2 Report)

Grade of "4" is not included in the GWA computation when it is removed. Only the grade of "3" or "5" is included in the GWA computation.

The computation of the GWA for "5" from removal exam or automatically incurred after one-year removal period has lapsed, "5" is included in the GWA computation.

When course is re-enrolled, new grade is also included.

(Standardization of grades approved by the BOR during its 1310th meeting on 27 August 2015)

Yes. "4" is included in the computation of the GWA.

When course is re-enrolled, new grade is also included in the computation of the GWA.

The no. of units of the re-enrolled subject will be added to the toal no. of units of the program.

(Standardization of grades approved by the BOR during its 1310th meeting on 27 August 2015)

Leave of Absence (LOA) & Absence without Official Leave (AWOL)

Leave of Absence (LOA) will not be counted towards the Maximum Residency Rule for both undergraduate and graduate students (approved by Board of Regents at its 1379th Meeting on 3 April 2023).

Students are only permitted to apply for LOA for a maximum of two (2) years (aggregated) during their whole stay in the University (Art. 401, Revised UP Code).

A graduate student who wants to enroll again in the program after more than 5 years have already passed from the last enrollment is advised to restart the program (graduate programs only). The student is only required to restart if he/she has never been enrolled in the University in the past 10 years.

(UR Workshop 2 Report)


To be in residence (or to do residence work), the student is either enrolled in any course or in Residence.

Article 408. No student shall be graduated from the University System unless the student has completed at least one year of residence work, which may, however, be extended for a longer period by the proper faculty. The student must have been in residence in the semester of graduation. (Rules on residence as stated in Articles 408 and 412 of the Revised University Code, as revised and approved by the Board of Regents in its 1359th Meeting on 25 March 2021, now read as follows (OVPAA Memorandum No. 2021‐89))

Article 408. No student shall be graduated from the University System unless the student has completed at least one year of residence work, which may, however, be extended for a longer period by the proper faculty. The student must have been in residence in the semester of graduation. (Rules on residence as stated in Articles 408 and 412 of the Revised University Code, as revised and approved by the Board of Regents in its 1359th Meeting on 25 March 2021, now read as follows (OVPAA Memorandum No. 2021‐89))

Article 412. Students who are candidates for graduation with honors must have completed in the University at least 75% of the total number of academic units or hours for graduation and must have been in residence in the semester of graduation. (Rules on residence as stated in Articles 408 and 412 of the Revised University Code, as revised and approved by the Board of Regents in its 1359th Meeting on 25 March 2021, now read as follows (OVPAA Memorandum No. 2021‐89))

Art. 407. All candidates for graduation must have their deficiencies settled and their records cleared by the end of their last semester in their current degree program. (Art. 407 of the UP Code, as approved by the Board of Regents at its 1379th meeting on 3 April 2023)

The only basis for Latin Honors (Revised UP Code: Art 410 as amended at 958th BOR Meeting: 24 Feb 1983) are (1) weighted average grade (WAG), (2) completed at least 75% of the total number of academic units in the University, (3) normal load of 15 units in all semesters.

Completion of INC or Removal of 4

A student is given one (1) academic year to complete the requirements of a course where they received an INC. For instance, if the grade of 4.0 was incurred in the First Semester AY 2022‐2023, this may be removed until the end of the First Semester AY 2023‐2024 (approved by Board of Regents at its 1379th Meeting on 3 April 2023).

However, in order to qualify as an honorific scholar, INC or 4 should be completed or removed before the end of the semester when such INC or 4 is incurred. The end of the first semester is the day before the registration for the second semester.  The end of the second semester is the day of the UP Cebu Commencement Exercises.

A course with an INC may not be re‐enrolled within the prescription period (approved by Board of Regents at its 1379th Meeting on 3 April 2023).

A course with a 4 may be re‐enrolled within the prescription period but it would be deemed that the student has waived his/her right to remove the 4. If the student wishes to remove his/her 4 instead, the student must first drop the course that was re-enrolled.

A student can complete their INC as long as they are enrolled in any CU of the University. For instance, a student need not enroll in residence in the CU where they incurred the INC so long as they are enrolled in their home CU. In the same manner, a student cross‐enrolled in another CU, need not enroll in residence in their home CU to complete an INC incurred in their home CU. (OVPAA MEMORANDUM NO. 2023-55)

Expect to receive either a grade of "3" or "5" after removal exam is taken within the prescribed one academic year.

(Standardization of grades approved by the BOR during its 1310th meeting on 27 August 2015)

The grade of "4" is automatically changed to "5" when the one-year grace period for removal has lapsed. The OUR will will generate a list of un-removed grades of "4" and send the list to the department/institute chairs/directors for feedback. The department/institute chairs/directors will return the signed and updated list to the OUR and the University Registrar will change the grades from "4" to "5" based on this list.

(Standardization of grades approved by the BOR during its 1310th meeting on 27 August 2015)

Underloading & Overloading

Yes, for documentation and verification purposes.

(OUR Workshop 2 Report)

A student who underloaded to extend his stay in the University to take the required English courses for LAE, should be advised to graduate with the degree and take the English courses as a non-degree student.

(OUR Workshop 2 Report)


Students who wish to voluntarily withdraw from the University are provided with an Honorable Dismissal (HD). If the said student plans to transfer to another higher education institution (HEI), the student shall be provided with a Certificate of Transfer Credentials (CTC). (OVPAA MEMORANDUM NO. 2023-55)

Waiver of Prerequisite

If the student has a DRP in a prerequisite course, taken between the Second Semester AY 2019‐2020 to the Second Semester AY 2021‐2022, the student may apply for a waiver of prerequisite. The student may be allowed to waive it with a certification from the instructor that the student participated in class. Waiver of prerequisite for a course that was dropped by the student in their own volition is NOT ALLOWED. (OVPAA MEMORANDUM NO. 2023-55)

Maximum Residence Rule (MRR)

The Maximum Residence Rule (MRR) states that students who fail to finish the requirements of a degree program of any college within a prescribed period of actual residence shall not be allowed to register further in that college. Under meritorious cases, extension of residency may be granted.

For undergraduate students, the MRR states that students who fail to finish the requirements of a course of any college within a period of actual residence equivalent to 1 ½  times the normal length of the course concerned shall not be allowed to register further in the university. 

For BS Management (Minor in Finance / Marketing), the normal length is 4 years and therefore the prescribed period of residence with MRR is 6 years. For Master of Business Administration program, the normal length is 3 years and therefore the prescribed period of residence with MRR is 5 years.

In exceptionally meritorious cases, an extension of residence beyond the above regular period of completion may be approved by the Dean upon recommendation of the appropriate bodies.  Each extension shall be for a period not exceeding one (1) semester at a time. 

Extension of residence is not automatic. The student must apply for extension at the Office of the College Secretary.

Article 51. Students have five (5) academic years from their initial enrollment in the program to fulfill all requirements for a master’s degree. 

(General Rules and Regulations for Master’s Degree Programs)

Article 53. In exceptionally meritorious cases, an extension of residence beyond the above regular period of completion may be approved by the Dean upon recommendation of the appropriate bodies.  Each extension shall be for a period not exceeding one (1) semester at a time. In no case shall the extensions exceed more than five (5) years.  

(General Rules and Regulations for Master’s Degree Programs)

Yes. If beyond the 5 years allowable MRR, the student needs to request for extension of the MRR for another 5 years which is approved at the college level. Beyond the allowed extension of 5 years, the student needs to request waiver of MRR which is approved by the VCAA.

(UR Workshop 2 Report)