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Return from Leave of Absence (LOA)
Student submits form to the College requesting to return from LOA.
College approves and informs OUR that the student is returning from LOA.
OUR reflects active status in SAIS/CRS.
Readmission from Absence without Official Leave (AWOL), Dismissed Status, and Extension / Waiver of MRR
OVPAA Memorandum No. 2023-109
Student applies for readmission and submits necessary requirements to college.
College endorses the student’s application to OUR.
OUR evaluates the student’s application.
For readmission from absence without official leave (AWOL), OUR issues readmission slip and reflects active status in the SAIS/CRS upon evaluation.
For readmission from dismissed status and waiver of maximum residence rule (MRR), OUR endorses the student’s application to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (VCAA).
VCAA evaluates the student application and returns it to the OUR for the reflection of the student’s active status in SAIS/CRS.
OUR reflects active status of the student in SAIS/CRS.
Extension of MRR is processed at the college level.
Waiver of MRR beyond the allowable period of extension is approved by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
Readmission from Suspension
The OUR/College notifies the student that suspension has been served and they can process their readmission.
Student submits compliance documents, as applicable, to the OUR.
OUR issues readmission from suspension.
Readmission from Permanent Disqualification
Student applies for readmission and submits necessary requirements to College.
College endorses the student’s application to OUR.
OUR performs an initial evaluation of the application, and forwards it to the OVCAA.
OVCAA evaluates the application, indicates whether the student is readmitted or not, and sends it back to the OUR.
OUR reflects final evaluation, issues readmission slip, and reflects readmission in the SAIS/CRS.