In 2008, the National Teacher Training Center in partnership with the University of the Philippines Manila College of Medicine conducted the first International Conference in Education for the Health Sciences as part of the Centennial Celebration of the University of the Philippines System. The changing global health scenario at that time provided the impetus to provide a venue where educators in the health sciences can come together to discuss current educational trends aligned with the changing health needs.  In this way, health science education remains to be relevant to community and global health needs.  Through the 1st ICEHS, with the theme "Connecting Learning to Global Health Trends" participants were able to establish this strong connection through an international forum for sharing of ideas and practices in making learning in the health sciences relevant and attuned to current trends.

This year, the 2nd ICEHS shall continue providing an international forum for discussion of how health sciences education can remain relevant and responsive to global and local emerging challenges and unpredictable crises in health.  This year's theme is "Cultivating Communities of Practice toward Systems-based Health Professions Education ", strengthening once again the connection between learning in the health sciences and global health needs through systems thinking and a systems-based approach to health professions education.  This year, ICEHS 2023 focuses on how systems-based education can be achieved through the development of communities of practice where health sciences educators can come together to address common challenges while fulfilling individual and group goals.    

Organizing Committee ICEHS 2023

Maria Elizabeth M. Grageda, PhD

Overall Chair

Melflor A. Atienza, MD, MHPEd

Chair, Scientific Commmittee

Emely D. Dicolen, PhD

Chair, Finance and Registration Committee

Nemuel S. Fajutagana, MD, MHPEd

Chair, Logistics and Technical Committee

Scientific Committee

Erlyn A. Sana, PhD

Nina F. Yanilla, MHPEd, LPT, PTRP

Patrozenda E. Del Rosario

Abstracts Subcommittee

Monica H. Walet, PhD

Nomar M. Alviar, MD, MHPEd

Denisse Alyssa T. Peralta, RL

Finance and Registration Committee

Claire D. Pastor, LPT

Marietta M. Buela, MLS,RL

Frederick B. Dantes

Divinagracia L. Maling

Logistics and Technical Committee

Armando B. Cervantes

Alvin Y. Aribe

Edilberto A. Janolo

Deadlines to Remember

Abstracts Submission:   On or before April 30, 2023

Early Bird Registration:  On or before April 30, 2023

Regular Registration:     May 1, 2023 to July 24, 2023 (or while slots are available) 

Submission of e-posters/videos for Oral Presentation:  May 29, 2023

Registration of Paper Presenters:   July 7, 2023