Academic Policies

Guidelines on Academic Integrity

All students are expected to abide by the University’s motto of “Honor and Excellence.” Honor before excellence means, among others, abiding and living by the Code of Student Conduct, particularly the rules on academic integrity. 

“Academic integrity means being honest in your academic work, being fair to others, and taking responsibility for your learning.”[1] The opposite of academic integrity is academic or intellectual dishonesty.  

What is intellectual dishonesty?

Intellectual dishonesty is defined as “any fraudulent act performed by a student to achieve academic advantage or gain for oneself or others (emphasis supplied)” (Art. III, no. 15 of 2012 Code of Student Conduct).  

What acts constitute intellectual dishonesty?

Intellectual dishonesty includes but is not limited to the following acts: 

**Note: Students should take responsibility for their own learning and should refrain from relying on generative AI models, such as ChatGPT. Should you need to use AI as a study tool, refer to this guide to how to use AI responsibly


Who decides when a student is intellectually dishonest? 

“The University has the right to define standards and norms of proper conduct of students, and therefore considers departures from said standards as acts of misconduct and as violations of this Code. xxx The faculty has the right to define standards of intellectual honesty on students and exact norms of academic scholarship.” (2012 Code of Student Conduct, p.1)

In other words, following University rules, it is the faculty that assesses whether a student has committed intellectual dishonesty, without prejudice to the student’s right to due process.

What are the consequences for committing intellectual dishonesty? 

Sanctions for intellectual dishonesty will depend on the severity of the offense. Possible sanctions are:

Code of Student Conduct

Download and study the Code of Student Conduct here. Refer to pages 6-20 to know more about the specific forms of student misconduct and their corresponding sanctions.