Overview of the

ethics Review Process

This flowchart illustrates the general process through which research protocols are reviewed. The process starts with the submission of complete application documents. These are initially evaluated by the ERB Chair or by a designated disciplinal panel. For protocols needing expedited or full review, these are evaluated by a pool of reviewers before a decision is communicated to the principal investigators.

Types of Ethics Review

Based on the preliminary evaluation of the ERB, a research protocol may be endorsed as either exempt from review, for expedited review, or for full review.

Exempt from Review

Exempt from Review is the status given to a research proposal/protocol that does not need to undergo either full or expedited review.

Expedited Review

Expedited Review is done when a research proposal/protocol or related submission does not need a review of a Full Board/Panel.

This type of review may be conducted by the Chair of the Board/Panel or any of the appointed expedited reviewers.

Full Review

Full Review shall be required for proposals/protocols that entail more than minimal risk to participants or those that involve vulnerability issues.

Each member attending the full review will be provided with sufficient information to actively and constructively participate in the review process, including, but not limited to, the research protocols and the proposed consent forms.

Standard Operating ProcedureS

The CSSP-ERB's Standard Operating Procedure was approved by the College Assembly on July 27, 2021.

Know how the Board operates by reading this document.

Approved SOP in PDF.pdf

National, International, and Institutional Ethics Policies, Issuances, and Guidelines Governing the CSSP-ERB Ethics Review Process

Ensure the ethicality of your research by adhering to these documents that guide our ERB's review process.

General Guidelines:

Disciplinal Guidelines: