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Universidad Panamericana is a prestigious private university in Mexico. As a modern and solid institution, it has been capable of delivering high-quality education by moving to virtual modes of learning and training. Our faculty and staff across the three campi have been simultaneously re-creating related on-campus academic experiences — everything from courses, conferences, workshops, and thesis defenses to arts and sports clinics — through our online platforms.

The university has converted thousands of courses from face-to-face instruction to online learning, and broadcasted state-of-the-art conferences and webinars in the different scientific and academic fields.

 Upon registration to the 9th Conference on International Arbitration and the CISG, you will asked to state whether you intend to participate In-Person or Online. 

If you registered as an online participant, you will receive a link and password to join us in this event through the ZOOM virtual platform broadcasted at our Facebook and Linkedin social networks of Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara.

