Prof. Michael Bridge

Michael Bridge was an undergraduate and postgraduate student at LSE before starting his academic career. Before coming to the LSE in 2007, he held chairs in law at McGill University, the University of Nottingham and UCL, and was Dean of the Faculty of Laws at UCL. He has been a visiting professor at the Universities of Leeds, Malaya, Hong Kong, Melbourne, Sydney and Auckland and at Monash University. In 2013, he was elected a Fellow of the British Academy. In 2014 he was called as a Bencher of the Middle Temple, and in 2017 made a QC (honoris causa).

Dr. Ingeborg Schwenzer

Ingeborg Schwenzer is Dean of the Swiss International Law School and Professor emerita of Private Law at the University of Basel, Switzerland. Additionally, she is an adjunct professor at Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia, and has been an adjunct professor at City University, Hong Kong, and at Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia.

She has published numerous books and more than 200 articles in the fields of law of obligations (contracts, tort law and unjust enrichment, sales law both domestic and international), commercial arbitration as well as family law. In particular, she is the editor and main contributor of the world's leading Commentary on the Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG) (4th edition, Oxford, OUP: 2016) and its German, Spanish, Portuguese and Turkish counterparts.

From 2011 to 2018 Ingeborg Schwenzer has been the chair of the CISG Advisory Council. She is also active in all areas of legal practice. In particular, she regularly acts as arbitrator, counsel and legal expert in international disputes.

Ms. Louise Barrington

Louise Barrington is a chartered arbitrator and accredited mediator, legally qualified in Ontario, New York and England. A multicultural Canadian, she also holds a British passport. Ms Barrington is principal of Aculex Transnational Inc. She frequently acts as sole arbitrator, co-arbitrator named by parties and by institutions, and has chaired ICC and ad hoc panels. She has taught international, commercial, construction and arbitration law at University of Ottawa, King’s College London, City University of Hong Kong, LaTrobe in Melbourne and Georgetown in Washington.

Louise founded and continues to direct the annual Vis East International Arbitration Moot and is the founder and honorary president of ArbitralWomen. Ms Barrington speaks English and French fluently, plus conversational Spanish and a little German and Mandarin.

Dr. Sieg Eiselen

Sieg Eiselen is professor in Private Law at the University of South Africa, Pretoria. He lectures in general contract law, unjustified enrichment law, international commercial law and information technology law. He holds a doctorate of law in contract law from the University of Potchefstroom. He is an NRF B rated researcher. He has a litigation practice in commercial law and has been a member of the Johannesburg Bar since 1999.

He is co-author with Albert Kritzer of Pace Law School, New York, of the International Contact Manual Volumes IV and V (Thomson West). He is also co-author of Information Technology Law (LexisNexis) and co-author with Tjakie Naudé of Commentary on the Consumer Protection Act (2015 Juta). He has published widely on general South African contract law, unjustified enrichment law, international trade law and harmonisation, information technology law and consumer credit law. He was the Rapporteur for CISG Advisory Council Opinion No 13 Inclusion of Standard Terms under the CISG.

Prof. Hiroo Sono

Hiroo Sono is a Professor of Law at Hokkaido University, Japan. His main fields of research interest lay in contract law (including consumer law) and international commercial law. He approaches these fields from the perspective of interaction between private ordering and the regulatory function of private law; and also from the perspective of globally and regionally coordinated developments in commercial law.

Recently, he has been most active in the field of international commercial law. He is one of the founding members of the CISG Advisory Council (CISG-AC) since 2001 and the Global Private Law Forum (GPLF) of Japan since 2014. From 2006 to 2008, he served as Counsellor, Civil Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Justice where he was responsible for Japan’s accession to the CISG. From 2008 to 2018 he served as the Japanese delegate to UNCITRAL Working Group VI (Security Interests) and is also a National Correspondent to UNIDROIT since 2015.

Dr. Pilar Perales Viscasillas

Prof. Dr. Pilar Perales Viscasillas is the Chair of Commercial Law at the University Carlos III of Madrid and the Director of the School of Law. Doctor in Law at the University Carlos III of Madrid, with honours; Spanish Representative at UNCITRAL in the Working Group on International Commercial Arbitration (2001-2014), CLOUT National Correspondant until 2017; visiting Scholar in UNCITRAL and the Universities of Columbia, Arizona and Pace.

She has published several books and articles in international commercial contract law, arbitration and corporations. She is the Director of the Madrid Moot ( and of Master of International Advocacy, and the database She has been a member of the CISG-AC since 2003, and acts as an arbitrator in international and domestic commercial cases, as well as a legal expert in both domestic and international disputes. She is a member of the Board of Director of MAPFRE.

Dr. Yeşim M. Atamer

Prof. Yeşim M. Atamer is a full professor of Private Law at Bern University, Faculty of Law and an adjunct professor at Istanbul Bilgi University. Her main areas of research are law of domestic and international sale of goods, Turkish and EU consumer law and harmonization of European contract law. As a scholar of the European Union Jean Monnet program, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Max Planck Society, Swiss Institute of Comparative Law, International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (Unidroit) and the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey she has conducted research in Lausanne, Basel, Rome, Munich, Hamburg and Cambridge (USA).

In 2007 she was awarded the Distinguished Young Scientist Award of the Turkish Academy of Sciences. She is elected member of the Science Academy (Turkey); the International Academy of Comparative Law, and the International Academy of Commercial and Consumer Law. Atamer is a contributor to the major commentary on the Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts edited by Vogenauer (2nd edition Oxford University Press, 2015) and the CISG commentary edited by Kröll, Mistelis and Perales Viscasillas (2nd edition, Hart Publishing 2018). Atamer is member of the CISG Advisory Council since 2013. She has been active in legal practice as arbitrator and legal expert in national and international disputes.

Mr. Benjamin Gottlieb

Benjamin Gottlieb is a Senior Associate in our Dispute Resolution Group in Zurich. His main areas of practice are international arbitration as well as domestic and international commercial litigation. Benjamin is an expert on the United Nations Convention for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) and co-editor of a commentary on the CISG (2019). He is a lecturer at the University of Zurich for international commercial arbitration and the CISG and taught advocacy classes in Milan. He frequently writes and speaks on arbitration and international sales law, including over 30 commentaries on the Supreme Court's case law in arbitration matters.

Benjamin studied law at the Universities of Zurich and Milan. After completing his studies he was awarded the title of Arbitration Practitioner (ArbP) by the Swiss Arbitration Academy (2010) and obtained the Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in arbitration at the Universities of Lucerne and Neuchâtel (2015). He is a PhD candidate at the University of Lucerne.

Prior to joining Schellenberg Wittmer, Benjamin Gottlieb worked as a research and teaching assistant in private, European and commercial law at the University of Zurich with Professor Dr Claire Huguenin.

Dr. Milena Djordjević

Prof. Milena Djordjević is a Director of Center for Legal Skills and an Assistant Professor at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law where she teaches International Commercial Law, International Commercial Arbitration, Foreign Investment Law, EU Trade Policy and Legal English. She holds an LL.B. (U. Belgrade), LL.M. (U. Pittsburgh), and a Dr. iur. (U. Belgrade) degree.

She is a member of: the ICC Court of Arbitration, ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR, ICC Central and Eastern European Arbitration Group, Supervisory Board of Equal Representation in Arbitration Pledge, Board of Serbian Arbitration Association, Board of Serbian Association of Commercial Lawyers and she is a national CLOUT correspondent to UNCITRAL for Serbia.

Dr. Djordjević has published extensively on the CISG, arbitration, WTO law and EU trade law in prestigious domestic and international publications (including the CISG commentary edited by Kröll, Mistelis and Perales Viscasillas). Her doctoral dissertation on the topic "Damages for Breach of International Sales Contract" was awarded by the Belgrade Chamber of Commerce in 2013.

Dr. Ilka Beimel

Dr. Ilka H. Beimel is a law clerk in Germany and Rapporteur for the CISG Advisory Council working on an Opinion on repair and replacement under the CISG, jointly with Prof. Schwenzer. Her main areas of research are international arbitration and international sales law. She wrote her Ph.D. thesis on international arbitration at the University of Basel, where she was a research and teaching assistant for Prof. Schwenzer and Prof. Schroeter. She also conducted research as a visiting scholar at Columbia Law School, New York. Additionally, as research assistant and intern, Ilka worked with several renowned international law firms in the field of dispute resolution and international sales law and interned for the ICC Court of International Arbitration in Paris.

Ilka studied law at the University of Freiburg (Germany). Representing the University of Freiburg twice, once as team member and once as coach, Ilka won several awards and honorable mentions in the Willem C. Vis (East) International Commercial Arbitration Moot. She acts pro bono as the Moot Academy Remote Coaching Director.

Dr. Alejandro Garro

Professor Alejandro Garro teaches at Columbia University School of Law, where he is also a Senior Research Scholar at the Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law. A member of the Columbia Law School Faculty since 1981, he has been teaching in the fields of Comparative Law, International Business Transactions and Latin American Legal Systems. His principal areas of teaching and research at present are international commercial contracts and transnational arbitration and litigation.

He regularly gives courses and seminars in Latin America (including the National Universities of Buenos Aires and La Plata (Argentina), Universidad Iberoamericana and Escuela Libre de Derecho (Mexico), Universidad de Montevideo (Uruguay), Universidad Francisco Marroqui (Guatemala), and Universidad de Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). and he is a regular Visiting Professor at the Université de Strasbourg and the University of Mainz.

Professor Garro is an expert to the delegation of the Government of Argentina before the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) and before the OAS Conference on Private International Law (CIDIP). He also represents the American Association of Private International Law (ASADIP) before the Hague Conference on Private International Law and the New York City Bar Association before the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT).

Prof. Anselmo Martínez Cañellas

He is Professor of the University of Commercial Law of the University of the Balearic Islands. He holds a Doctor of Laws degree by the same university and is Director of its Department of Private Law .

He has authored several books among which the interpretation and integration of the Vienna Convention on the international sale of goods (2004); and The essential breach in the Vienna Convention on the international sale of goods (2006). He is Co-director of the book Principles of European Contract Law and Principles of UNIDROIT on international commercial contracts (2009) and collaborator of Group VII (on commercial sale) of the proposed Spanish Commercial Code of 2013.

In 2010, he won the García Goyena Prize for Private Law. In 2014, he was awarded Miquel Casals and Colldecarrera Award for Dret privat dels Païssos Catalans and in 2017 the Pasqual González Prize for Special Civil Law of the Balearic Islands .

He research focuses on Teaching Law, Food Law, International Commercial Law, Sports Law and bankruptcy law.

He is the author of articles in national and international journals on Company Law, National and International Contract Law, Competition Law, Bankruptcy Law, Industrial Property Law, Sports Law, and Tourism Law.

Dr. Edgardo Muñoz

Edgardo Muñoz is a leading voice in the field of international business law as member of Universidad Panamericana's law faculty in Guadalajara, Mexico, from where he frequently contributes in specialized publications and discussion forums.

Edgardo Muñoz received his Bachelor of Laws from Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico, and Master degrees from University of Liverpool in the U.K. and University of California in Berkley. He also holds a Doctoral degree from University of Basel in Switzerland.

Besides his academic commitments, he practices in the area of international contracting and arbitration. He sits as arbitrator in international forums and represents clients in commercial and sport proceedings.

Mr. Pedro Mendoza Montano

Professor Pedro Mendoza Montano teaches at Francisco Marroquin University, Faculty of Law, (Guatemala City, Guatemala) two courses: General Theory of Contract and International Business Transactions.

Professor Mendoza obtained his Licentiate Degree in Juridical and Social Sciences and the professional titles of Attorney at Law and Public Notary from Francisco Marroquin University Faculty of Law.

He received a Master of Laws Degree (LL.M.) from Columbia University School of Law.

Pedro Mendoza Montano is a Founding Partner of “Iurisconsulti, Abogados y Notarios” (Guatemala City, Guatemala) where he practices mainly in the fields of International Business Transactions and Corporate Law. He acts as an arbitrator in International and domestic business disputes; also as legal expert in international and domestic cases.

Dr. Alfredo Ferrante

Alfredo Ferrante is current Director of the Department of Private Law of University Alberto Hurtado in Santiago de Chile (Chile) and former professor at the university of Oviedo and Girona.

Doctor in Law at the University of Oviedo (Spain), with honors and awarded by Sancho Rebullida prize. He received his Bachelor of Laws from University of Pisa (Italy) and Oviedo.

Visiting researcher in the University of Columbia, Max Planck Institute, Swiss Institute of Comparative Law and Sorbonne University; visiting professor in the University of Brescia and University Paris XII (Nanterre).

He is a member of European law Institute (ELI), of Associazione Italiana di Diritto Comparato (AIDC), Societá italiana per il diritto comparato (SIRD) International Society of family Law (ISFL), and Association Henri Capitant des amis culture juridique française.

Mr. Francesco Mazzotta

Francesco G. Mazzotta holds law degrees from the University of Naples, Italy, and the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, U.S.A. Among others, he has interned with the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law in Vienna, Austria.

He has served as an arbitrator for the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot Court in Vienna and as an adjunct professor in universities in both in Italy and the United States. Mr. Mazzotta has authored several articles involving the C.I.S.G. He is the lead editor of the International Contract Manual. Mr. Mazzotta is a Chief Judicial Clerk with the Superior Court of Pennsylvania.

Mr. Daniel Nogueira

Daniel Jacob Nogueira, FCIArb. Founding name partner of a prominent law firm in the Brazilian state of Amazonas. Law degree from the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM) in 1998. Masters of Law degree conferred by the University of Texas at Austin (2000). As a reelected Councilman of Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar, he is one of the 81 lawyers nationwide who make up the Bar's highest governing body for all of Brazil. Visiting professor at various post-graduate and extension programs, including at PUC (São Paulo), UNIPE (Paraiba), Damásio (São Paulo), UNISC and Escola Nacional da Advocacia, always teaching subjects related to domestic and international arbitration. Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.

Vast experience with arbitration, both as a party-representative and as a neutral. Former National President of the Arbitration Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association. Recipient of both the Amazonian State Legislature’s Medal of the Order of Legislative Merit and the Electoral Tribunal of Amazonas’ Medal of Electoral Merit; frequent speaker and lecturer in numerous arbitration and CISG-related events and educational activities; Honorable Mention at the International Academy for Arbitration Law; Alumnus of ICC's Advanced Arbitration Academy for Latin America. Recipient of the "Friend of Industry" award, granted by the Federation of Industries of the State of Espírito Santo, in recognition of work with development of local arbitration markets. Co-author of several books on arbitration and on the CISG; and Regional Coordinator for Amazonas of the Brazilian Arbitration Committee (CBAr).