
Chairperson: Prof Ponnadurai Ramasami (

Theme: Computational Chemistry Methods in Basic and Applied Sciences

Computational chemistry uses computers to solve chemical problems. It applies theoretical methods implemented in software for computations. At the outset of the 21st century, computational chemistry is leading to a wide range of possibilities usually interdisciplinary. This symposium aims to gather researchers applying computational methods in chemistry and allied subjects. The topics may be related but not limited to structural, spectroscopic, kinetic and thermodynamic aspects. This symposium will highlight research using computational chemistry methods.

Chairperson: Prof Ponnadurai Ramasami, UNESCO Chair in Computational Chemistry (

Theme: Seminars from UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs

The UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme, which involves over 850 institutions in 117 countries, promotes international inter-university cooperation and networking to enhance institutional capacities through knowledge sharing and collaborative work. The programme supports the establishment of UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks in key priority areas related to UNESCO’s fields of competence – i.e. in education, the natural and social sciences, culture and communication ( 

This virtual symposium aims to provide an online platform for the gathering of UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs to present their activities.

Chairperson: Dr Lisa Pecher,  Editor at Angewandte Chemie

Opening the Editor's Black Box: Insider Tips for Successful Submissions
Dr. Pilar Calleja

Drawing from the knowledge and perspectives of Wiley’s scientific publishers and editors, this session is designed for early career researchers and those who are mentoring and developing early career researchers. Participants will learn how manuscripts are evaluated and processed from submission to publication and how they can use this knowledge to increase their chances for successful publication. Topics to be covered include: 1) how to simplify your writing and improve the presentation of your results; 2) how to choose the right journal for your submission; and 3) how to improve the visibility of your research. The session will also feature Wiley resources for researchers seeking to publish in our journals. 

Ethics and Integrity in Science and Publishing
Dr Lisa Pecher

The conversation on research ethics and integrity has deepened and evolved over the last ten years. With the advent of increasingly diverse technologies and greater awareness of research ethics, the expectations for integrity in research and publishing have increased. In this session, Wiley’s Research Integrity and Publishing Ethics team will share key topics and issues in the field of research integrity today and provide insight into the research best practices that publishers expect when evaluating author submissions. 

Brief Bios

Pilar Calleja completed her PhD (2017) in Organic Chemistry at the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) in Spain. Then, she moved to Heidelberg (Germany) to carry out an industrial postdoc in the Catalysis Research Laboratory (CaRLa). Pilar joined the editorial team of Chemistry–A European Journal in 2019, and Angewandte Chemie in 2021. She is also co-chair of the Opinion Pieces Team, and part of the Social Media Team.

Lisa Pecher received her PhD in computational chemistry from the University of Marburg in Germany. Since January 2019, she has been an editor at Angewandte Chemie, handling submissions in analytical, computational, and physical chemistry. She is also chair of the Wiley Chemistry journals’ diversity, equity, and inclusion work group, where she consults editors on how to make their journals more equitable and inclusive.