
Publicaciones en revistas académicas


  • Gómez (2021). Non-symbolic and symbolic number and the approximate number system [A commentary on Clarke & Beck's "The number sense represents (rational) numbers"]. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 44, e188. link

  • Gómez, Holtheuer, Miller, & Schmitt (2021). Children's and adults' eye movements and the extraction of number information from ambiguous and unambiguous markings. Cognition, 213, 104700. link

  • Quiñones, Gómez, Montefusco-Siegmund, & Aylwin (2021). Early visual processing and perception processes in object discrimination learning. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15:617824. link


  • Susperreguy, Peake, & Gómez (2020). Investigación en cognición numérica en Chile: Estado actual, vínculos con la educación y desafíos. Estudios de Psicología, 41(2), 404-438. link

  • Morales, Dartnell, & Gómez (2020). A study on congruency effects and numerical distance in fraction comparison by expert undergraduate students. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1190. link


  • Gómez & Dartnell (2019). Middle schoolers’ biases and strategies in a fraction comparison task. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 17(6), 1233-1250. link

  • Ordin, Polyanskaya, Gómez, & Samuel (2019). The role of native language and fundamental design of the auditory system in detecting rhythm changes. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 62(4), 835-852. link


  • Navarrete, Gómez, & Dartnell (2018). Promoting preschoolers' numerical knowledge through spatial analogies: Numbers’ spatial alignment influences its learning. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 54, 112-124. link

  • Gómez, Mok, Ordin, Mehler, & Nespor (2018). Speech segmentation in a tone language: The role of lexical tones. Language and Speech, 61(1), 84-96. link


  • Castro, Amor, Gómez, & Dartnell (2017). Contribución de los componentes de la memoria de trabajo a la eficiencia en aritmética básica durante la edad escolar. Psykhe, 26(2), 1-17. link

  • Castro, Estévez, Gómez, & Dartnell (2017). Reliability and validity of nonsymbolic and symbolic comparison tasks in school-aged children. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 20, e75. link

  • Benavides-Varela, Siugzdaite, Gómez, Macagno, Cattarossi, & Mehler (2017). Brain regions and functional interactions supporting early word recognition in the face of input variability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 114(29), 7588-7593. link


  • Gómez, Jiménez, Bobadilla, Reyes, & Dartnell (2015). The effect of inhibitory control on general mathematics achievement and fraction comparison in middle school children. ZDM Mathematics Education, 47, 801-811. link [erratum available at link]

  • Gómez & Dartnell (2015). Learning to compare ratios in second grade: A path to avoid the natural number bias? Revista de Psicología y Educación, 10(2), 127-138. link


  • Escobar, Huepe, Decety, Sedeño, Messow, Báez, Rivera-Rei, Canales-Johnson, Morales, Gómez, Schröeder, Manes, & Ibáñez (2014). Brain signatures of moral sensitivity in adolescents with early social deprivation. Scientific Reports, 4, 5354. link

  • Gómez, Berent, Benavides-Varela, Bion, Catarossi, Nespor, & Mehler (2014). Language universals at birth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 111(16), 5837-5841. link

  • Barraza, Gómez, Oyarzún, & Dartnell (2014). Long-distance neural synchrony correlates with cognitive strategies to compare fractions. Neuroscience Letters, 567, 40-44. link


  • Gómez & Dartnell (2012). Simple Monte Carlo integration with respect to Bernoulli convolutions. Applications of Mathematics, 57(6), 617-626. link


  • Benavides-Varela, Gómez, Macagno, Bion, Peretz, & Mehler (2011). Memory in the neonate brain. PLoS ONE, 6(11), e27497. link

  • Benavides-Varela, Gómez, & Mehler (2011). Studying neonates’ language and memory capacities with functional near-infrared spectroscopy. Frontiers in Psychology, 2:64. link

  • Gómez, Bion, & Mehler (2011). The word segmentation process as revealed by click detection. Language and Cognitive Processes, 26(2), 212-223. link


  • Canales, Gómez, & Maffet (2007). A critical assessment of the consciousness by synchrony hypothesis. Biological Research, 40(4), 517-519. link

Publicaciones en preparación/enviadas/en revisión

  • Gabriel, Van Hoof, Gómez, & Van Dooren (capítulo de libro, aceptado). Obstacles in the development of the understanding of fractions. En Robinson, Kotsopoulos, & Dubé (Eds.), Mathematical learning and cognition in middle childhood and early adolescence: Integrating interdisciplinary research into practice.

  • Jéldrez, Sotomayor, & Gómez (enviada). Planificación y revisión de la escritura en estudiantes chilenas de 3°, 6° y 9° grado.

  • Morales & Gómez (en preparación). Psychometric properties of a fraction comparison test.

Capítulos de libro

  • Gómez & Morales (2021). Mental and neural foundations of numerical magnitude. En Spinillo, Lautert, & Borba (Eds.), Mathematical reasoning of children and adults: Teaching and learning from an interdisciplinary approach (cap. 4). Springer. link

Otras publicaciones

  • Gómez (Ed.) (2018). Proceedings of the First PME Regional Conference: South America. Rancagua, Chile: PME. link

  • Gómez, Cornejo, & Martínez (Eds.) (2021). Actas de las XXV Jornadas Nacionales de Educación Matemática. Rancagua, Chile. link