TAPE nsemble Spring 2021


The Technology-Assisted Performance Ensemble (TAPEnsemble) at the University of Nebraska at Omaha invite you to attend our virtual exhibition, AFTER TOUCH, on Wednesday, April 28 at 7:30pm CDT. AFTER TOUCH is a concert of original works by the members of TAPEnsemble composed at a social distance during the Spring 2021 semester. The show's title is both a reference to the digital hardware specification used in some of the compositions and a yearning for musical connection and personal expression during these isolating times. The work reflects the ensemble's exploration of free improvisation, imaginative interpretation, experimental collaboration, audio-visual representation, and technical ingenuity. All media for the concert was written, performed, captured, and edited by the student members of the ensemble.


Click to download the AFTER TOUCH program booklet.


Roman Constantino
Cruz Duarte
Roberto Gonzalez
Noah Goodwin
Jack Klingenberg
Brooklynne Mack
Ka Moo

An Nguyen
Connor Paintin
Lucas Palmer

Blake Peterson
Aven Pigatt
Joshua Rutherford
Tyler Savoie
TJ Sheibal
Jacob Spivack
Corey Tumpkin
Anders Tysnes Rosoy
Jesse White

Seth Shafer, director