Resources For Women

Spreading Awareness:

  • The female triad is slowly becoming more known by coaches and mentors to help support female athletes. The more we can learn about the female triad, the more we can help find resources.

  • Coaches and mentors should be able to spot the signs and symptoms of the female triad.

      • Signs: Lack of energy, fatigue, weakness, prone to injuries, disordered eating, etc.

Energy Deficiency and Disordered Eating Treatment

  • Treatment for eating disorders ranges for both anorexia and bolemia. A treatment plan with a specialist is ideal.

  • Creating a set schedule and plan that the athlete must stick top requires them to not only ensure they are eating enough but they are also fueling their bodies at necessary times.

Treatments for Amenorrhea

  • Medications tend to be prescribed such as birth control or other forms of hormonal pills. This helps manage the dysfunction of the menstrual cycle. Estrogen replacement therapy is also common to help create balance for the patient's hormones. Clomiphine citrate is also perscribed to help enduce ovulation for a woman who's menstrual cycle is out of balance.

      • Studies have found that female athletes who received hormonal treatment showed a significant increase in bone density as opposed to athletes who did not.

A Lifestyle Change

  • A change must happen to heal the female triad. This requires a lifestyle change. Setting goals to reach a healthy weight is helpful but setting goals to enhance performance and overall health is even better. Coaches and mentors must help implicate healthy and practical goals that will help the athlete start a journey of healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle that includes balance.


Carlson, J. L. (2021). The female athlete triad/male athlete triad and relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S). Reference module in biomedical sciences () Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-818872-9.00031-5

Hobart, J. A., & Smucker, D. R. (2000). The female athlete triad. American family physician, 61(11), 3357–3367.

Sutton, K. M., Cheney, S. M., Fierro, E. A., & Casey, E. K. (2022). Chapter 25 - the female athlete triad/relative energy deficiency in sports. In R. M. Frank (Ed.), The female athlete (pp. 295-309) Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-0-323-75985-4.00030-1