Trials of the Female Triad

What is the female athlete triad?

The female triad is a disorder that often goes unnoticed. It is a combination of three interrelated conditions that are associated with athletic training. These include disordered eating, Amenorrhea and Osteoporosis (bone density). Each condition works with the others creating a better possibility of aquiring more than one. The female athlete triad are conditions that can be caught and prevented. Increased education in athletes, coaches and parents in health risks can prevent life-threatening illnesses.

Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the humen spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives withen each of us.

Wilma Rudolph

The precise prevalence of the female athlete triad is unknown and not precise. Although studies have proven disordered eating behavior in 15 to 62 percent of female athletes. Amenorrhea occurs in 3.4 to 66 percent of female athletes. Finally Osteoporosis occurs in 22 to 50 percent of athletes.


Hobart, J. A., & Smucker, D. R. (2000, June 1). The female athlete Triad. American Family Physician. Retrieved December 9, 2022, from

Mehta, J., Thompson, B., & Kling, J. M. (2018, April 1). The female athlete triad: It takes a team. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine. Retrieved December 9, 2022, from

Weiss Kelly, A. k, & Hecht, S. (n.d.). The Female Athlete Triad . Retrieved December 9, 2022, from