
How does human activity affect the quality of groundwater?

Human activity such as groundwater pumping, agriculture, disposal of waste and chemicals can contaminate groundwater. If contaminated groundwater is being used as a drinking source, ingestion of toxic chemicals and bacteria can be harmful to the body.

How often should groundwater be tested?

If groundwater is being used as part of a private well, the water should be tested at least once a year based on CDC guidance or when these signs show up

What are the dangers of contaminating groundwater?

Contaminated groundwater can cause several disorders ranging from gastrointestinal illness and reproductive problems to neurological disorders.

Our Initiative

What information will be shared if I participate in the public Environmental Health (EH) data sharing?

The public data that will be shared will include the concentration of contaminants and generalized locations.

Personal information and the exact location of your well will not be shared.

How will this data be used?

The environmental health data will be used to create interventions to minimize hazards and keep the Southern Nevada community safe.