BSPH Handbook Express
An Overview to UNLV's Undergraduate Public Health Degree and a Preview to the Program's Undergraduate Public Health Handbook
I chose to become a public health major because you can create real change and provide prevention before something happens – to your mom, your dad, or to yourself.
Ashley - Public Health Major
The best reason to enroll at UNLV is because the school is incredibly diverse and you’ll have the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life.
Maya - Public Health Major
Public Health promotes a Health for All philosophy embracing the race, religion, social, and economic status of all people.
Natalya D. was involved with members of Immunize Nevada to measure the impact of statewide vaccination clinics determining vaccine equity among black, Latinx, indigenous and rural communities across Nevada.
Cali L. worked with Dr. Buccini on Household Food Insecurities and Breastfeeding Practices. Her work was nominated for a national award from Delta Omega (PH National Fraternity)
$14.9 million in grant money was awarded to faculty members in the School of Public Health in 2022 - some of the money funds undergraduate student participation in the projects.
All undergraduate advising starts with the advising center dedicated to this degree. You can schedule in-person and remote advising sessions.
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Phone: 702-895-5090
Website: UNLV School of Public Health
Location: University Gateway Building
Phone: 702-895-5448
Website: UNLV Health Sciences Advising
Location: Advising Office WHA-1