Student Resources 

What resources are available while studying at UNLV?

The School of Public Health and UNLV offer a variety of resources and support for students in pursuit of their education.

University Resources

There are supportive resources available through the School of Public Health AND the University. There are over 30 unique resources available to all students. They are sorted into categories of 

Additional connections can be made through this link.

Here is a link to a directory of the services described above.

Undergraduate advising for the public health degree (BSPH) is done by the staff in the Division of Health Sciences (DHS).


Remote or in-person appointments can be made by

Phone:  702-895-5448                      

Electronic link:

The staff in the advising center can assist with applications, required orientations , 4-year degree plans, degree worksheets course adds, drops , and substitutions, and transitioning to academic life at UNLV.   Open Advising: Tuesdays 1-4 p.m. and Wednesdays, 8:00-11:00 a.m., 1-4 p.m.  No appointment required.  "First come - first served" protocol.

Scheduled and repeated interactions with the DHS advising staff will ensure minimization of program advancement barriers and maximization of program and progression for all students.


Various undergraduate scholarships are available (e.g. acknowledging academic excellence) or highlighting an individuals heritage (e.g. Pacific Islander). For detailed information about each one please visit  School of Public Health Scholarships and Awards.

The UNLV School of Public Health offers numerous

academic and non-academic undergraduate and

graduate-level scholarships.


Numerous volunteer opportunities are available in the field of public health starting during a student’s first year in the program. Both group and individual opportunities are available. For example, students can help pack and deliver food for those in need or a student can conduct research with a faculty SPH member. An expanded list of opportunities for volunteering is found in the Handbook.

Topics Table version 2.pdf
UNLV Public Health students volunteering at a hygiene drive.

There are undergraduate student volunteer positions available in the SPH’s labs (e.g. Environmental Health lab, UNLV/CCSD Pollen Monitoring lab, etc.) – some are paid positions.

Peer Support

Public Health Peer Mentor Program

Public Health Peer Mentor Program -Successful completion of degree programs can be influenced by many factors – including interacting with other students currently enrolled in the same program. The undergraduate program has an active volunteer peer mentor program designed to assist any student in completing the degree based on YOUR schedule and needs.

BSPH Peer Mentor Program Fact Sheet.docx

There are over 100 members in the Public Health Student Association!

The leadership team of the Public Health Student Association (PHSA) promotes collaboration and enrichment between undergraduate and graduate students in the UNLV public health programs.  In addition, the members of the association provide information and opportunities for students to communicate with professionals in the private and public sectors of the public health field with the overall goal of promoting and protecting the health of individuals in our society.  Finally, the membership offers public health students a way to compare their respective programs with other public health majors and consider changes if needed.

Group photo of the UNLV Public Health Student Association.
Image displaying the front of the UNLV School of Public Health Gateway building.

UNLV School of Public Health

Phone: 702-895-5090


Website: UNLV School of Public Health

Location: University Gateway Building

Image displaying the front of the UNLV Division of Health Sciences Advising Center WHA-1.

Division of Health Sciences Advising 

Phone: 702-895-5448


Website: UNLV Health Sciences Advising

Location: Advising Office WHA-1