Frequently Asked Questions

What is an affiliated site?

An affiliated site refers to a legal contract between the UNLV, School of Public Health and an internship site.  The affiliate agreement specifies each party's responsibilities, and sets the policies that SPH and the internship site must follow in regards to internship experiences.

Utilize the directory of affiliated sites in step 2 of steps to find an internship to see your internship site is currently affiliated with our program. 

What is an academic internship?

An academic internship is an internship for which you receive academic credit for hours work.  This means that your internship is part of course for which you are earning a degree.  Academic internships can be paid or unpaid.  Employment laws, in regards to unpaid internships, can be found under the Federal Fair Labors Standards Act.  

What is an internship proposal proposal?

An internship project proposal is the required form students use to identify their internship learning agreements and outcomes. 

If I am an international student, do I need a work visa to complete an internship?

International students, here on an F1 Visa, must apply for a Curricular Practical Training (CPT) after securing and internship and before working any hours.  Students cannot begin their training opportunity until they receive their new I-20 form authorizing the specific CPT start date with a specific employer for a certain time period.

Internship students are only permitted to enroll in part time (less than 20 hours per week) internships during the fall and spring semester.  It is your responsibility to ensure you do not work greater than 20 hours per week, and only within the dates on your approved CPT.

CPT applications are processed through the Office of International Students and Scholars.  

Will my internship be assigned?

Internships are self-select, meaning the student has the freedom and the responsibility to choose their own internship experience.  (internship must meet academic and internship requirements)  All academic internships must be approved by the internship coordinator (see internship calendar for semester deadlines).

What requirements, must I meet, to ensure my internship will be approved?

Your internship site must be an affiliated site.  If your site is not currently affiliated with the School of Public Health internship program, they are welcome to apply.  

Your internship must be related to your academic major (enrolled internship course).

You are required to be enrolled in an internship experience course (receiving academic credit) in the same semester as your internship work hours.

Internship work hours, listed by major, are available for review here.

What does onboarding mean?

Onboarding is the process of preparing an employee or intern to work.  Onboarding requirements vary by site and industry.  Onboarding items could include completing hiring paperwork, health and safety requirements, training in policy and practices and attending orientation.  Onboarding items will vary depending on your internship host site.  For questions, specific to your site, please contact the internship coordinator.

Any student, who has accepted an internship at a medical host site should must have the following prepared before onboarding requirements.