Research and Development Center - University of Sulaimani
Associate Professor Dr. Omed Mohammed Mustafa
Welcome to my Academic Profile page. My name is Omed Mohammed Mustafa and I am a researcher and lecturer holding (PhD) degree in Hydrogeology, teaching in Research and Development Center (RDC), University of Sulaimani, Al-Sulaimaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Publications: 14
Email Address: omed.mustafa@univsul.edu.iq
Mobile: +964(0)7701540252
I teach several topics:
1. EGBS04 (Environmental Geology), B.Sc. module
2. GEBS03 (Geochemistry), B.Sc. module
3. GGBS01 (General Geology), B.Sc. module
4. HGBS04 (Hydrogeology, Groundwater Quality), B.Sc. module
5. HCMS01 (Hydrochemistry), M.Sc. module
6. ISMS01 (Isotope Hydrology), M.Sc. and PhD. module
7. GMMS01 (Hydrochemical Modeling), PhD. module
My research interests focus on;
1. Geochemical and transport modeling
2. Karst Hydrogeology
3. Environmental Geochemistry
4. Isotope Hydrology