

Learning at Home With Ms. FIelds

Rise & Shine: Before 9 AM

-Wake up, make your bed, get dressed, put P.J.s in laundry

-Greet your family, get breakfast & go over schedule and expectations for the day. Write a morning message for your family.

Reading 9:00-9:45

-Curl up with a blanket & read quietly anything you have at home

- Listen to the hilarious story Mr. Silly and let's have some fun!

  1. If you lived in Nonsense Land, what would be something that was silly or different? (You make up something, for instance in this story the trees were red)
  2. Draw a new silly character to go along with the story!

-Play on lalilo

- Go to your assignment on RAZ Kids and read a book from the reading room! When you finish, you can update your avatar!


Tech or choice time 9:45-10:00

-Here is a list of fun games! Play whatever game you enjoy!





Spelling 10:00-10:15

-Follow along with Ms. Godwin with the New concept video

-Try thinking of some OU and OW words on your own

Listening time 10:15-10:30

-Here is list of some fun music videos for kids!

-Dance Monkey


-Can't Stop the Feeling

Snack & play 10:30-11:00

-Have a healthy snack & go outside, make up a dance, do some exercises

-Do your favorite gonoodle dance or indoor recess video

Writing 11:00-11:30

-Choose a topic to write about & plan out your writing!

-Optional Prompt: What was your favorite part about 1st grade? Give me at least 5 sentences! Send me your writing when you finish

Lunch & Play 11:30-12:30

-Lunch: Help your family prepare lunch

-Recess: Go outside or if the weather is bad, play with some of your favorite toys!

Creative Time 12:30-1:30

-Pick any of your favorites and draw along with these friends!

-Draw Baby Yoda

-Draw a Minion

-Draw a Hatchimal


-Here is the challenge: Find anything and your house and come up with a new toy or invention! Be CREATIVE :)

Math Fluency 1:30-1:45

-Play games on Greg Tang Math. Play for 10 minutes!

-Play on Cool Math Games

-Play on Math Playground

Math 1:45-2:15

-Zearn Complete ONE lesson today!

Clean up 2:15-4:00

-Put all your learning materials away for the day, do chores & help clean up.