

— Restaurants

— Pizzerias

— Bars and cafes (breakfast, cakes, ice cream, sandwiches)

Printing and photocopying

Click HERE for a map and a list of places where it is possible to print, make photocopies and/or have internet access.

Wi-Fi access

Wireless internet acces is available in the whole campus for those who have an account EDUROAM.

We have anyway requested additional WiFi credentials for all ALT participants. You will find them in your personalized conference folder.

Child Care

We offer child care during the conference hours at the nursery school Pincopallina, via Privata Albertini 14, Pavia, which has a convention with University of Pavia. The school is open from 7.30 a.m. to 6 p.m.

If you plan to bring a child, please contact elisa.roma@unipv.it by 20 August 2019.


Click HERE for a map and a list of pharmacies around Palazzo San Tommaso and the main University Campus.