Students possible questions & Answers
1. What is QA ?
It is an abbreviated name of Quality Assurance
2. What is QAC ?
QAAC is an abbreviated name of Quality Assurance Council
3. Where is QAC located ?
It is under University Grants Commission at Colombo 7 and located now at the Nalanda Road at Punchi Borella next to USAB
4. What is USAB?
It is the abbreviation of University Services Appeals Board
5. What is IQAU ?
It is an abbreviated name of Internal Quality Assurance Unit
6. Where is IQAU located?
It is located in all Universities/Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) concerning on Quality Assurance on Higher Education within the Universities/HEIs. The office of IQAU is located at No 12, Ground Floor, Ramanathan Block, Jaffna Premises of University of Jaffna.
7. How can we contact IQAU ?
It can be contacted via phone - 021 221 9139, e-mail :, website:
8. What is IQAC ?
It is an abbreviated name of Internal Quality Assurance Cell
9. Where is IQAC located ?
It is located in all the faculties, and units of the University.
10. How do we contact IQACs of all faculties?
You can visit to this website page and there can find all the IQACs webpages are connected. Click on the links and make contact as you like
11. What is Academic Freedom ?
Academic Freedom is to teach and carry out research without any interference; be open and flexible in their academic activities; and undertake activities outside their employment that enhance their intellect and professional skills, without forfeiting their primary commitments to the University
12. What is Academic Accountability ?
An academic who is accountable is completely responsible for what they do and must be able to give a satisfactory reason for it
13. Explain the Workload Formula:
- Time as a Unit of Measurement: It is possible that the formula considers hours/week for a particular activity as the unit of measurement. A Week can be defined as 5 working days and there would be 35 hours/week (7 hours/day x 5 days/week); an academic year would be 40 working weeks /year (with the balance left for examinations, marking and vacations.) Accordingly, the number of annual hours of work would be 1400 hours/year (40 weeks/year x 35 hours/week.)
- Baseline Workload: For the purpose of equity and fairness, all academic staff should carry a minimum workload. Hence, baseline workload for academic staff should be defined.
- Actual Workload vs Workload Agreed: It is possible that some staff would work more than the load agreed for them. In such a situation, it is necessary to know how the additional work would be taken into account.
14. What is INQAAHE ?
It is the abbreviation of International Networking for Quality Assurance Agencies for Higher Education
15. What are QAC?
It is the abbreviation of Quality Assurance Council
16. What is APQN ?
It is the abbreviation of Asia Pacific Quality Assurance Network
17. What are IR and PR?
IR means Institutional Review and PR means Program Review
18. What is SLQF?
SLQF is the abbreviations of Sri Lanka Quality Frame Work and the last available version is Version 15
19. What are Bench mark and Bench marking ?
A benchmark is a standard or point of reference against which one can measure or compare actual performance. bench marking is the process of comparison.