
I teach Biological evolution and Developmental biology (SSD BIO/05) at the Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Urbino.

BIOLOGICAL EVOLUTION (Codes A002094 and 61040059)


The Biological evolution course aims to provide students with the basics on the mechanisms of biological evolution, starting from the historical bases of research in the evolutionary field to arrive at the concepts object of current and more active research and scientific discussion. 

DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY (Codes A001455 and 61040052)


The Developmental biology course aims to provide the students with the basic knowledge on  the set of morphogenetic processes leading from zygote to a multicellular organism and about the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying these events. At the end of the course, the student will have knowledge about the embryonic development of different invertebrate and vertebrate model organisms as well as a historical and integrated vision of the multiple approaches that have allowed the advances of this discipline and its contributions in the modern biology.