
Federica Semprucci
Associate Professor
Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo


I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Biomolecular Sciences (DiSB) of the University of Urbino, Italy. 

My research interests: biodiversity conservation; nematode taxonomy, ecology and biogeography; biodiversity estimation of nematodes in tropical and temperate ecosystems; spatio-temporal interactions between different trophic levels; effects of environmental changes on the composition of nematode assemblages and ecosystem ecological status; assessment of the human impact in the ecosystems; developing of new techniques for the use of nematodes in biomonitoring assessment. 

Ongoing research projects: 

Produzione e impiego di oli essenziali nella protezione da fitofagi e malattie e su nematodi bioindicatori terricoli in orticoltura biologica (OliEssBIO) PSR Regione Marche 2014/2022 Misura 16.1.A.2 - Finanziamento di G.O. - FA 2A -annualità 2021 n.1028 - 05/11/2021 - ID:59670 - CUP B47H22004100009.  


Development of essential oil-based smart formulates by means of plasma processing: effect against pests and impact on soil beneficial communities. "PRIN 2022 PNRR" - P2022MK3AF - Acronimo progetto PLASMA4SOIL - CUP: H53D23010630001.
