Prof. Michele Mari

Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo

Dipartimento di Scienze Biomolecolari - Scuola di Farmacia

Sezione di Chimica e Tecnologie Farmaceutiche - P.zza del Rinascimento 6 - 61029 Urbino (PU) Italy

Tel. +39 0722 303327 / 28.  E-mail:

CV Highlights

Full CV with Publications

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Brief BIO

Michele Mari graduated in Medicinal Chemistry and Technology in 2011 at University of Urbino Carlo Bo. He achieved his Ph.D. in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2014 from the same university working on the strategic indole functionalization for the synthesis of tryptophan containing alkaloids and biologically active tryptamines. He spent 9 months at ETH Zurich as visiting researcher in the group of Prof. Jeffrey Bode working on the total synthesis of proteins. He spent 5 years as Postdoctoral Scientist at University of Urbino, in August 2019 he became Assistant Professor in Medicinal Chemistry (RTD-A CHIM/08) and in July 2021 achived the position of RTD-B. In February 2023 he achived the National Scientific Habilitation for the positions of Associate Professor in Medicinal Chemistry (SC: 03/D1, SSD: CHIM/08) and he was appointed Associate Professor at University of Urbino Carlo Bo in July 2024. In september 2017 he founded GLUOS with some colleagues, an innovative Start up and University Spin off on the synthesis of molecules for medical devices and he is actually the President of the Board of Directors of the company. He is also member of the organizing committee of the European School of Medicinal Chemistry, Member of the communication teams of the EFMC and Medicinal Chemistry Division of the Italian Chemical Society, Secretary of the Board of the Young Scientists Network of the EFMC.

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Academic Career

Science Federations

Journals and Editorial Roles


Conferences Organization