
Palazzo Volponi - Urbino, Italy

#AoIR Flashpoint Symposium will take place in the historical building of Palazzo Volponi and will be hosted by the Department of Communication Sciences, Humanities and International Studies: History, Cultures, Languages, Literatures, Arts, Media of the University of Urbino Carlo Bo.

Urbino is a walled city in the Marche region in Italy, a World Heritage Site notable for a remarkable historical legacy of independent Renaissance culture, especially under the patronage of Federico da Montefeltro, duke of Urbino from 1444 to 1482. The town, nestled on a high sloping hillside, retains much of its picturesque medieval aspect. Urbino is located in the middle of the Apennines, 30 km from the Adriatic coast. The town can be reached directly only by car or bus, not by train.