
Symposium Schedule

24 June 2019

University of Urbino - PALAZZO VOLPONI - Room D1




Welcome by

Giovanni Boccia Artieri (Dean of the DISCUI Department)

Axel Bruns (President of AoIR)

Fabio Giglietto (Chair of the local organizing committee)


Chair: Fabio Giglietto (University of Urbino Carlo Bo)

Keynote by Crystal Abidin

Public Shaming, Vigilante Trolling, And Genealogies Of Transgression On The Singaporean Internet


Panel 1 “Private Groups”

Chair: Stefano Brilli (Università IUAV di Venezia)

Locked Out: The Paradox Of Social Media Affordances And Stigmatized Online Support Groups

Daphna Yeshua-Katz (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva); Ylva Hård af Segerstad (University of Gothenburg)

The Use Of Telegram For Non-consensual Dissemination Of Intimate Images: Consent, Harassment And The Construction Of Masculinities

Silvia Semenzin; Lucia Bainotti (University of Milan)

“Friending” Your Informants Online: Access, Richness, And Ethical Dilemmas In The Use Of Researchers’ Own Social Media

Theodora Sutton (Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford)

Curating Sociality: Connective Practices And Selective Visibility On Wechat

Gabriele De Seta (independent researcher)


Lunch Break (on your own)


Panel 2 “Locked Platforms”

Chair: Manolo Farci (University of Urbino Carlo Bo)

Invisibilities In Social Media Data From Political Contention

Christina Neumayer; Luca Rossi (IT University of Copenhagen)

Social Media Apps As Places And Spaces: A Methodological Exploration

Angela M. Cirucci (Kutztown University of Pennsylvania)

Case Sensitive: Studying Vulnerable Individuals And Closed Communities Online In The Post-api Age

Ylva Hård af Segerstad (University of Gothenburg)

Walking Through Twitter: How To Mine A National Follow Network

Felix Victor Münch (Leibniz Institute for Media Research, Hans-Bredow-Institut); Ben Thies (Leibniz Institute for Media Research, Hans-Bredow-Institut); Cornelius Puschmann (Leibniz Institute for Media Research, Hans-Bredow-Institut); Axel Bruns (Digital Media Research Centre, Queensland University of Technology)

The Field As A Black Box: Ethnographic Research In The Age Of Platforms

Tiziano Bonini (University of Siena); Alessandro Gandini (University of Milan)


Panel 3 “Ephemeral ContentS”

Chair: Elisabetta Zurovac (University of Urbino Carlo Bo)

The Long Tail That Disappears: Ephemeral Hyperpartisan News In The 2018 Elections

Marco Toledo Bastos (City, University of London); Shawn T Walker (Arizona State University); Anders Olof Larsson (Kristiania University College)

Being Part Of It: An Ethnographic Approach To The Study Of Eventspheres

Esther Hammelburg (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences)

Studying Instagram Stories: Towards A Research Protocol

Lucia Bainotti (NASP, University of Turin-University of Milan); Alessandro Gandini (University of Milan); Alessandro Caliandro (University of Bath)

Affordances Of Social Media For Networked Citizenship: Visibility, Ephemerality And Agency On The Russian Internet

Tetyana (Tanya) Lokot (Dublin City University)


Coffee break @ University Cafeteria


Chair: Laura Gemini (University of Urbino Carlo Bo)

Keynote by Rebekah Tromble

We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know: Navigating Platforms’ Proprietary Black Boxes In Internet Research


Poster presentation

with appetizer served at the conference dinner location

(Cortile ex Convento Santa Chiara, via S. Chiara 36, Urbino)

Dramatisation Of The @Gangsta – The Spectacle Of Criminality In The Age Of Instagram Stories

Nicola Bozzi (University of Salford)

Extracting And Analysing The Sewer Of The Internet: On Archiving Ephemeral Imageboards

Marc Tuters; Sal Hagen; Stijn Peeters (University of Amsterdam)

Online Identities Continuous Reorganization: Self-Presentation Practices in the Era of Ephemeral Social Media User Generated Contents

Giada Marino (University of Urbino Carlo Bo)

Performing Diversity On Toxic Soil? Researching Topical Groups On The Radical Free Speech Platform Gab

Tim de Winkel; Mauricio Alan Salazar Landeros (Utrecht University)


Conference dinner

(Cortile ex Convento Santa Chiara, via S. Chiara 36, Urbino)