
Formal Modeling of Ignorance

Workshop “Formal Modeling of Ignorance”

Urbino 7-8 September 2023

The workshop will take place in-person and online via Zoom.

Venue: Area Scientifico - Didattica Paolo Volponi

Room D4, Via Saffi n. 15 Urbino (PU - Italy)

Zoom Link:

Thursday, September 7

15.00 Stefano Bonzio (University of Cagliari) and Claudio Antares Mezzina (University of Urbino)


15.20-16.10 Zoé Christoff (University of Groningen)

Pluralistic ignorance and social networks  

16.10-16.50 Alessandro Aldini (University of Urbino)

On the modeling and verification of the spread of fake news, algebraically

16.50-17.20 Coffe break

17.20-18.00 Mirko Tagliaferri (University of Urbino)

Studying the map: a taxonomy of formal models of ignorance

Friday, September 8

9.30-10.10 Mattia Petrolo (University of Lisbon)

A new modality 

10.10-10.50 Marianna Girlando (University of Amsterdam)

Knowledge strikes back 

10.50-11.20 Coffe break

11.20-12.00 Ekaterina Kubyshkina (University of Milan)

Return of ignorance 

12.00-13.00 Stefano Bonzio, Pierluigi Graziani and Michele Pra Baldi

Round table: Future perspectives and open problems 

For further info: