Research Publications
Paglialunga, E., Lodi, C., “Sustainable energy transition, knowledge co-creation and trade: the case of EU residential energy efficiency”, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, (2024), pp. 1-31, DOI: 10.1080/10438599.2024.2413472
Lodi C. and Polidori, P., “Pendolarismo e Covid-19: Come sono cambiate le scelte di trasporto del personale accademico e tecnico-amministrativo nelle università?”, argomenti. Rivista di economia, cultura e ricerca sociale (2023),
Lodi, C., Marin, G., Polidori, P., Teobaldelli, D., “Students’ commuting habits to the university: Transportation choices during the Covid-19 era”, Case Studies on Transport Policy (2024), 101217,
Lodi C., Marin G., Polidori P. and Teobaldelli D., "La mobilità degli studenti casa-università: scelte di trasporto durante la pandemia da Covid-19" (2023), RIVISTA DI ECONOMIA E POLITICA DEI TRASPORTI, N. 1, Sezione speciale abstract SIET, ISSN 2282-6599
Bertarelli S., Lodi C. and Ragni S., “Recycled and non-recycled exhaustible resource: an optimal control strategy for input allocation”, Decision in Economics and Finance (2023), DOI:
Bertarelli, S., Lodi, C. Ragni, S. “Non-renewable input and waste stock: optimal transition towards circularity”. Applied Mathematical Sciences (2023), Vol. 17(9) pp. 413-420
Lodi, C., Marin, G., Modica, M. “The public finance response to floods of local governments in Italy”. Journal of Environmental Management (2023), Online DOI first: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.117352
Lodi, C. and Bertarelli, S., “Eco-innovation and exports in heterogeneous firms: Pollution Haven Effect and Porter Hypothesis as competing theories”. Economics of Innovation and New Technology (2022), DOI: 10.1080/10438599.2022.2052054
Bertarelli S., Lodi C., “Heterogeneous firms, exports and Pigouvian pollution tax: does the abatement technology matter?”, Journal of Cleaner Production (2019), doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.04.340
PhD Thesis “International trade, eco-innovation and pollution emissions: theoretical and empirical analysis at firm and country level” (2019)
Bertarelli S., Lodi C., “Innovation and Exporting: A study on Eastern European Union Firms”, Sustainability 2018, 10(10), 3607;
Caterina F., Ghisini E., Lodi C., “Il trasferimento tecnologico. Prospettive istituzionali e riflessioni sull’attività in provincia di Ferrara” in “Ricerca scientifica e trasferimento tecnologico in ambito locale. Il caso del tecnopolo di Unife” a cura di Bruzzo A. e Ramaciotti L., Aracne Editore, ISBN: 978-88-548-9599-7, DOI: 10.4399/97888548959971, pp. 125-188
Working Papers
Lodi, C., & Bertarelli, S. (2024). Decoupling and EKC in European Union countries: a shiftshare decomposition of air emissions. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 34, 93. Retrieved from
Lodi, C., Sacchi, A., Vidoli F. (2024). Gender politics, environmental behaviours, and local territories: Evidence from Italian municipalities. arXiv:2410.06091 [econ.GN]. Cornell University.
Bertarelli S., Lodi C. and Ragni S., “An optimal strategy to control mining and recycling of non-renewable resources”, WP-EMS Working Papers Series in Economics, Mathematics and Statistics (WP-EMS) 2022/2, ISSN 1974-4110 (on line edition), ISSN 1974-4110 (on line edition)
Bertarelli S., Lodi C., “Innovation and exporting: a study on Eastern European firms”, Quaderno del Dipartimento di Economia e Management 10/2015,
Ongoing Papers
Vidoli F., Lodi C., Sacchi A., “Gender politics, environmental behaviours, and local territories: Evidence from Italian municipalities”,
Lodi C., Bertarelli S., “Decoupling in European Union countries: a shift-share decomposition of air emissions”, Submitted in “Economic Studies Journal”
Bischi G., Calboli S., Lodi C., Mancinelli S., Marin G., Viganò E., Zoli M. “Can we nudge sustainable food consumption? An Experiment at the University of Urbino canteen”
Lodi, C., Marin, G., Modica, M., Paglialunga, E. “Flooded Firms and heterogenous effects of Climate Change”
Barbieri, N., Lodi, C., Modica, M. “1908 Sicily Earthquake and First World War: A migration dynamic”
Giombini G., Lodi C., Marin G., Viganò E., Zavalloni M. “Reputation and food safety: evidence from Italian food-processing firms”Bertarelli S., Lodi C., “Decoupling in European Union countries: a shift-share decomposition of air emissions”