
Member of the research project "TEMME-Health - TErritorial Mapping Model for Equitable HEALTHcare infrastructure development". - Department of Economics, Political Society (DESP), University of Urbino Carlo Bo

Organising and Scientific Committee “10SEEDS AT UNIURB – Lunch Seminar for Young Researchers” - Department of Economics, Political Society (DESP), University of Urbino Carlo Bo

Scientific person in charge for the collaboration with ERDIS Marche about Energy efficiency and Waste collection, and recycling

Member of University of Urbino Carlo Bo team in PRIN PNRR "SubRISK+: From enhanced understanding to strengthened ability to mitigate groundwater exploitation impacts on urban landscapes towards sustainable development" - ERC main field: PE - Physical Sciences and Engineering. Principal Investigator: Francesca Cigna (CNR Rome)

Principal Investigator of the research project "GeGrePol: Gendered green policies: Evidence from Italian Municipalities”. Department of Economics, Political Society (DESP), University of Urbino Carlo Bo

Creating FUTUre societal RESILIENCE through innovative, science-based co-creation labs (FUTURESILIENCE) (Score: 10.5). Call: HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ERA-01

University of Urbino Carlo Bo's scientific person in charge for the survey "Conoscenze Alimentari della popolazione universitaria" of the Gruppo di Lavoro (GdL) CIBO - Rete delle Università per lo sviluppo Sostenibile (RUS)

PRIN2017 “Innovation and global challenges in an interconnected world: the role of local resources and socio-economic conditions” - funded by Ministry of University and Research

“UniTranspFP: L’impronta ambientale dei trasporti dell’Università di Urbino” - University of Urbino Carlo Bo - Department of Economics, Society, Politics

“FOR US AN EXP - FOod secuRity and sUStainAbility: Nudging and EXPerimental evidence”- University of Urbino Carlo Bo - Department of Economics, Society, Politics

"La Strategia di Sviluppo Sostenibile della Regione Emilia-Romagna: la sostenibilità come processo di apprendimento e attuazione di sinergie” in collaboration with CTR Educazione alla sostenibilità di Arpae and the CEntre for Research on Circular economy, Innovation and SMEs (CERCIS) of the University of Ferrara