
If you have doubts regarding the project, please write a question here (UNITN login required).

Project Specification.pdf


  • Assignment #1 dues on 23/10/2019. The goal here is to setup the Github repository.
  • Asignment #2 dues on 15/11/2019. The goal of this assignment is to define the product and sprint backlogs.
  • Assignment #3 dues on 13/12/2019 23:59. The goal here is to implement the selected user stories (sprint backlog). We also expect the API documentation.
  • Assignment #4 dues on 18/12/2019. The goal here is for each group to showcase their projects and how they delivered it using SCRUM.

Note #1: November will include other deadlines to facilitate the project execution.

Note #2: The implementation does not need to use an "actual" database. Students can fake the database layer by using an in-memory array.

Note #3: From 27/11 to 11/12, we will have Project Day sessions. To participate, each group should book a session day here. We allow a group to book only once. On Project Day, each group will have the opportunity to discuss progress and clarify any doubt regarding the implementation or other aspects of the project.

Note #4: Jorge has created an express starter kit for those groups that would like to save some time at bootstrapping the structure of their projects. This starter kit is not required, use it if you feel it would suit your needs.

Note #5: You can use Postman to test your API.

Note #6: Jorge updated the starter kit on 28/11. In case you are using it and you are having the issue "UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning", then check out the updated version.

Note #7: Jorge updated the starter kit on 04/12. The update includes a fix for supporting Windows (we now remove the @app symlink using a node script). You can check the change here.

Note #8: Jorge updated the Deployment page to include a step where we configure environment variables to make sure the deployment on Heroku works.